How is ginger used to enhance male potency? What methods of therapy and prevention are there for the treatment of impotence? These and many other questions are most often asked by patients suffering from a decrease in masculine strength. Today, there are many options for influencing the erectile function of men. But the most popular is traditional medicine based on ginger. So how are ginger and potency related?
Male health benefits of ginger
The representatives of the fair sex most often turn to folk methods of treatment. However, the root revealed its medicinal properties so much that even men could not resist the use of ginger. Moreover, in terms of urological diseases, male diseases rank first than female ones. One of these ailments is a decrease in potency, which can lead a man not only to a depressive state, but also become the root cause of a mental disorder.
Ginger is a strong and beneficial herb to increase potency. The root has long been considered a male plant, the properties of which increase the sensitivity of erogenous zones, affect the level of the male hormone, and also increase blood circulation in the genitals. Therefore, the words ginger and potency are familiar to many men firsthand.
In addition, this plant is considered an effective remedy for:
- lowering cholesterol levels;
- improved memory;
- lowering blood pressure;
- restoration of physical strength;
- increasing immunity;
- improving blood vessels.
Root composition
The tart taste of ginger contains a huge amount of useful active substances, essential oils, minerals and trace elements:
- Potassium.
- Magnesium.
- Iron.
- Manganese.
- Asparagine.
- Zinc.
- Group of vitamins A, C, and B1.
The vitamin complex included in the composition helps to improve the sex glands and normalizes blood circulation in the pelvic organs. What's more, zinc-rich ginger is a catalyst to increase the level of the male hormone testosterone, which in turn reduces the likelihood of impotence in men.
Contraindications for men
However, despite all its medicinal and beneficial properties, this plant has a number of contraindications.
It is contraindicated to use the root in the case of:
- Presence of kidney stones.
- Abnormal heart rhythm.
- Allergic reactions.
- Various inflammations, which are accompanied by an increase in temperature;
- Gastrointestinal ulcers.
Given a number of contraindications, before using ginger for potency as a therapeutic agent and prophylaxis, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
Recipes on how to consume ginger
The root can be used both fresh, dry, powdery, and also in the form of a tincture. Today, traditional medicine offers many different recipes and methods for the treatment of impotence.
Be careful with ginger root if you are just starting to use it. The daily dose of the root should not exceed 2 grams per 1 kilogram of body weight.
Fortifying recipe
The easiest and simplest recipe of all. Chew a small piece of the root several times a day. Such a recipe will be good not only as a preventive measure and boost the immune system, but also as a powerful aphrodosiac, thanks to which you can quickly return the former passion to your relationship.
Ginger and honey
An excellent tonic useful remedy. With the help of honey and ginger, the treatment of impotence will be tasty and quick. Both root powder and fresh ginger can be used as the main ingredient. Mix with honey and put in a dark place for several weeks. In case of fermentation, the honey mixture must be refrigerated. Consume one teaspoon daily in the evening.
Another recipe: honey - 200 grams, root - 200 grams, two lemons, mix everything until smooth and drink with tea.
Pickled root
Fresh ginger root at the rate of 1 kilogram (pre-cut into plates), poured with 5 liters of water with the addition of 2 tablespoons of salt. Add 400 ml of rice vinegar, red wine and 7 teaspoons of sugar to the present brine. It is infused in a dark place for five hours. Pickled ginger is an excellent remedy for increasing potency.
Ginger tincture
For the treatment of impotence, you can also use ginger tincture. Such a remedy is suitable both for increasing erection and as an additional prophylaxis in the treatment of prostatitis. The tincture should be consumed in the morning and in the evening, 10 drops each.
Despite the existing contraindications, ginger is able to literally fill the male body for the whole day, and for the whole night with strength. If the ginger root is not contraindicated for the stronger sex, feel free to include it in your diet. Its properties will help a person return to the previous level of sexual relations.