Men's health has recently become a hot topic of discussion. More and more men, in addition to taking medications, are looking for new ways to improve and enhance their sex appeal.
Nutrition directly affects the maintenance of sexual health. Any natural product is suitable for improving and enhancing male potency. However, there are some that are most useful.

What foods are useful
In fact, according to sexologists, what is good for the heart is good for increasing potency. First of all, these are foods that contribute to the production of nitric oxide in the body. The gas, which is produced in small quantities, is vital for maintaining healthy blood vessels. This chemical compound affects erection.
Produced from the amino acid arginine. Therefore, those foods in which this amino acid is present are the most beneficial. These include:
- Beans;
- Soy products;
- Almond;
- Walnuts;
- Oats;
- Salmon;
- Tuna
- and many others.
Another class of nutrients that affect potency are bioflavonoids. It is a class of plant compounds classified as antioxidants.
These compounds fight free radicals. They bind harmful molecules of carcinogenic and pollutants and remove them from the body. A person today is surrounded by such substances:
- Cigarette smoke;
- Car emissions;
- Toxic substances of industries;
- Pesticides in vegetables and fruits
- etc.
The best sources of plant flavonoids are fruits and vegetables.
In addition, potency increase is influenced by:
- Anthocyanins;
- Catechins;
- Flavones.
What foods increase potency
Food plays a role in increasing potency. The list of foods below contains nutrients that can raise and enhance libido and improve overall health.
Seeds and nuts
Pumpkin, sunflower seeds, almonds, peanuts, walnuts and other types contain essential monounsaturated fats. They participate in the production of cholesterol, which the male reproductive system needs.
Cashews and almonds contain zinc. Others have a lot of arginine. Even the ancient Romans had a custom to shower newlyweds with walnuts.
Kernels contain a lot of protein, dietary fiber. Brazil nuts are a rich source of selenium, a mineral with antioxidant properties.
Sunflower seeds - vitamin E with antioxidant properties.
The main advantage of legumes is their high protein content. Protein increases metabolism better than any other food.
They contain antioxidants. Potassium regulates blood pressure and heart rate.
Fatty fish
The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish increase dopamine levels in the brain. Dopamine is responsible for sexual arousal.
In addition, Omega-3:
- They have anti-inflammatory properties;
- Prevents the formation of blood clots;
- Reduce the risk of developing arrhythmias;
- Improves brain function;
- Protects against dementia
- Reduces depression.
Fish is one of the many foods that contain the amino acid L-arginine.
Include fatty fish in your diet:
- Salmon;
- Mackerel;
- Sardines;
- Tuna.
Oysters and other shellfish
Oysters are considered an aphrodisiac food. They contain more zinc than many other foods. This mineral increases libido, testosterone production, and sexual desire.
Zinc is critical for sperm production and blood circulation. No wonder Casanova ate 50 raw oysters every day. Moreover, already 6 pieces are able to provide a double daily requirement for zinc.
Mussels are no less useful. Helps maintain an erection.
Oatmeal and other whole grains
Oatmeal is a good way to boost testosterone levels. Popular breakfast cereals contain L-arginine, which is used to treat erectile dysfunction.
L-arginine relaxes the muscles around the blood vessels of the genitals.
Plus, whole grains help lower bad cholesterol levels. Having high cholesterol can lead to atherosclerosis. As a result, cholesterol plaques are deposited on the walls of blood vessels. The vessels narrow and the normal blood flow is disturbed.
The arteries surrounding the genital area are narrower than the coronary blood vessels. Therefore, they are more susceptible to clots.
Beef, chicken and pork contain carnitine, L-arginine and zinc. Carnitine and L-Arginine are blood flow-improving amino acids that are critical for maintaining an erection.
In addition, meat contains:
- Protein;
- Zinc;
- Iron;
- B vitamins.

All these nutrients are necessary for both men to maintain potency and women to enhance libido.
Top best products include:
- Strawberry;
- Raspberry;
- Blueberries;
- Avocado;
- Watermelon;
- Peaches;
- Apples;
- Fig;
- Cherry;
- Dark chocolate;
- Eggs;
- Red wine (no more than two glasses);
- Bananas;
- Eggplant;
- Spinach;
- Brussels sprouts;
- Asparagus;
- Chilli;
- Broccoli;
- Sesame seeds;
- Saffron;
- Garlic;
- Fenugreek;
- Ginger;
- Pomegranate and beetroot juice.
The list of foods that can be added to food is long. Some of them improve blood flow, while others increase hormone levels.
Products harmful to potency
Problems with sexual activity can happen to men regardless of age. There are many factors and reasons that trigger the development of erectile dysfunction. One of them is unhealthy and unbalanced eating habits.
These are foods that have a negative effect on the body, including the cardiovascular, endocrine and genitourinary systems. The fact is that all heart and hormonal disorders have a direct impact on the male reproductive system and its functioning.
There are a number of foods that not only suppress testosterone production and slow down sperm production, but also reduce potency. First of all, this is fast food.
Eating a pizza or hamburger occasionally will not have a negative impact. But if such food is constantly present in the diet, it can harm men's health.
The most dangerous consequences:
- Increased blood cholesterol levels;
- Violation of hematopoiesis;
- Heart problems;
- Thrombosis risk;
- Atherosclerosis;
- Weight gain;
- Failure of the endocrine system;
- Decreased blood testosterone levels.
To avoid these problems, it is necessary to exclude from the diet:
- Hamburgers;
- Sauces;
- Cookies and bread;
- Hot dogs;
- Sausages;
- Instant noodles;
- Foods high in gluten;
- Canned, smoked and pickled.
Excessive consumption of such foods leads to a loss of sexual desire due to the accumulation of sodium salts in the body. This provokes an increase in blood pressure, which puts additional stress on the heart. Causes shortness of breath and irregular heartbeat. As a result, there is a violation of the blood supply to the pelvic organs.
Among the favorite drinks of many men are those that are considered harmful to men's health:
- Carbonated soft drinks. Contains too much sugar, preservatives, artificial colors, flavors, and so on.
- Beer. In small quantities, it will not harm, provided that it is a real brewed drink, and not from a concentrate.
- Caffeine. Promotes sexual arousal at first. But ultimately destroys androsterones. Drinking a cup of real coffee from time to time is not prohibited. But not soluble. This coffee "forces" the male body to produce female hormones.
- Green tea. contains caffeine, reduces the production of sperm and sex hormones. In addition, it contains many phytoestrogens, which are more beneficial for women.
Andrologists recommend drinking no more than one glass of milk a day. It contains estrogen, which is more beneficial for children and women.
Although eggs are on the list of healthy foods, their rate should not be 1 piece every two days.
You should limit the use of flaxseed oil, corn, sunflower.
Eating right is good for maintaining health. Products that increase and improve potency are no exception. Therefore, in order to maintain sexual activity, you need to include more fresh vegetables and fruits, nuts, cereals, and lean meat in your diet.