After about 35 years, male potency begins to gradually weaken. This is directly related to a decrease in the amount of testosterone in the body. A decrease in hormone levels can be negatively affected by bad habits, a sedentary lifestyle, irregular sex and poor diet.
But there are erection products that increase sexual power in men.
The importance of proper nutrition

Few people know that junk food can cause weak male strength, as well as diseases of the genitourinary system.
Most often, men eat incorrectly and in haste: fast food, carbonated drinks, alcohol, processed foods, etc.
And an unhealthy diet for men directly affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract - cholesterol accumulates and metabolism deteriorates.
This leads to disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, stagnation appears due to the accumulation of cholesterol substances, which leads to the development of genitourinary diseases, decreased libido and potency.
For normal functioning of the reproductive system, the male body should not starve. A constant feeling of hunger leads to functional disorders. In order for a penis to stand, you need a diet with a certain system, in which the body will always have enough energy and strength.
During fasting, the body begins to conserve strength, losing efficiency. At the same time, stress hormones are released that directly affect the functioning of the vascular, nervous and reproductive systems. Sexual problems arise.
Important!Proper nutrition for a person does not replace taking medications.

Healthy products that increase erection are a prevention of pathologies, not a treatment.
Healthy food can help a man only if the decrease in male strength is due to junk food.
And if erectile dysfunction is associated with pathological diseases, consultation with a qualified doctor is necessary.
Therefore, you should not delay visiting a specialist if you have regular sexual disorders, so that there are no complications.
Dependence of erection on nutrition
When men go to the doctor with problems of weakened sexual activity, the first thing the doctor prescribes is nutritional adjustments.
First of all, all harmful foods are eliminated from the diet, and healthy ones, which are a natural aphrodisiac, are prescribed in return. This is a substance that increases potency so that it lasts all night.

The diet and food consumed directly affect the functioning of the reproductive system. Scientists believe that foods that are healthy for the body's vascular system are also beneficial for sexual strength in men.
The diet should be varied and balanced.
The male body is able to draw the necessary substances from food to maintain muscle mass, reduce the risk of genitourinary diseases and enhance sexual activity.
You need to eat more rich vitamin-containing ingredients to make your penis erect, and you also need macro and microelements.
The most important vitamins for the male body are A, E and group B. They can directly influence the reproductive system, improve the composition of sperm, increase sexual desire, erectile function and potency.
What do you eat to make your penis stand? The diet should contain more food that activates the work of male sex hormones - testosterone. To create a healthy menu, you don’t need to contact a nutritionist; it’s enough to find out which foods increase erection and which ones lower it.
Healthy foods for erections
All erection enhancing products can be divided into several categories:
- meat, fish and seafood;
- milk;
- fruits, vegetables, herbs;
- eggs;
- nuts;
- sweets.
Meat, fish and seafood

Protein food is the healthiest food for the male body.
It stimulates the production of large amounts of testosterone, improves sperm composition, increases sexual desire and erectile function.
However, you should not overuse meat; too much of it can have the opposite effect.
The healthiest meat is lean, dietary. These types include:
- venison;
- rabbit;
- turkey;
- chicken;
- veal.
These are the best varieties of meat that saturate the body with proteins, without clogging it with harmful fats and cholesterol. Sirloin meat is easily digestible.
The most useful types of fish are flounder, mackerel and tuna. What should you eat to stand up, seafood? These are squid, shrimp, mussels and oysters. In addition to a large amount of healthy protein, seafood contains phosphorus and saturated acids, which are necessary for healthy potency.

Dairy and lactic acid products, which enhance erection, are the key to the health of the male body.
Milk protein is a component that is an excellent building material; it contains a large amount of amino acids, as well as galactose and milk sugar.
Men need to consume milk daily. Dairy products that should be consumed are milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese and sour cream.
The rest of the milk has little benefit, which is associated with its heat treatment, for example, yogurt, butter, desserts and others.
Fruits, vegetables and greens
Eating vegetables, fruits and greens has a positive effect on the human body. They contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, which not only improve sexual activity and make the penis erect, but also strengthen the immune system.

Greens that are good for erection include parsley, lettuce, celery, tarragon, cilantro, mint, and basil. They contain natural aphrodisiacs that increase potency and erectile function.
Healthy vegetables include carrots and cabbage.
Carrots contain a large amount of beneficial vitamin A - carotene, which has a positive effect on reproductive function.
Cabbage is the best vegetable, which, like milk, can remove the female hormone estrogen from the body and increase the amount of testosterone in the blood.
Onions and garlic are also very necessary. They should be present in the daily diet of a healthy man. Garlic contains cortisols - components that give a boost of energy and strength to men. They help improve sperm motility, increasing the ability to fertilize eggs.
The best fruit foods for improving erections are red grapes, avocado and pomegranate. Red grapes stimulate testosterone synthesis and improve sperm quality. It also improves blood circulation, which directly affects potency.

It is beneficial for men to drink red wine in small quantities at night. You can eat 5-10 grapes a day or drink 1 glass of wine.
Avocado is an exotic fruit that is rich in vitamins and fats.
The latter are able to clear all blood vessels of cholesterol, reducing the risk of congestion, as well as increasing sexual activity.
Pomegranate – it contains components that can normalize blood pressure and increase blood flow in the pelvic organs.
You can also drink pomegranate juice, which stimulates potency so that the penis can stand well.
The best eggs are chicken and quail. They should be in a man's diet every day. Moreover, nutritionists from the state of Connecticut advise eating three chicken eggs a day. This is considered the norm and will not harm the body through the accumulation of cholesterol, which interferes with the functioning of the heart.
On the contrary, the proteins in eggs are the best building materials that improve erectile function, sperm concentration and composition.
They contain a large amount of vitamin A, E and B6, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the reproductive system. Eggs also contain a lot of essential amino acids and easily digestible substances.

The variety of nuts in nature will not only improve the functioning of the genitourinary system, but also diversify your diet.
It is recommended to eat walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts and pistachios.
They contain a large amount of healthy vegetable protein and vitamin E, which is responsible for the reproductive functions of the body and increasing male activity.
There is also a lot of it in sunflower seeds and vegetable oils, so you can also eat them to make your penis stand up well.
An interesting feature of sweets is their effect on sexual activity. They are able to nourish the body with the right amount of energy and strength. The most useful sweet foods for erections:
- honey;
- cocoa;
- chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70%;
- dried fruits.
Honey is a natural beekeeping product. The whole world knows about its healing properties. It contains boron and nitric oxide - components that have a positive effect on blood flow in the organs of the reproductive system. Therefore, they directly affect sexual activity - a rush of blood improves erectile function.

Note!Men need to eat 2-3 teaspoons of honey daily.
Honey has a number of contraindications for use. This is a strong allergen, so before consuming it, you need to make sure there is no allergic reaction.
Harmful foods for erections
There are harmful products for erection; they lower the amount of testosterone in the blood, reducing male power. Top 10 most unhealthy foods:
- Beer leads to hormone imbalance. Female hormones predominate over male hormones, potency decreases.
- Fast food – due to the content of transgenic fats, it also causes hormonal imbalance and the predominance of estrogen.
- Coffee is another source of large amounts of estrogen.
- Baked goods - containing yeast, sugar and some acids interferes with healthy erection.
- Smoked products contain smoke substances that can cause severe pathologies of the genitourinary system.
- Sweets – excess sugar leads to impotence.
- Salt - sodium in its content reduces testosterone synthesis.
- Soy – contains phytoestrogens, leading to hormone imbalance.
- Rice is rich in carbohydrates and disrupts potency.
- Potatoes contain a large amount of starch, which negatively affects erection.

Let's sum it up
A healthy diet not only strengthens the human body, but also saturates it with essential vitamins and minerals. It is especially important for men to maintain a healthy diet for normal functioning of the genitourinary system.
To improve erectile function, you need to eat healthy foods, and it is advisable to avoid harmful ones.