Potency treatment can sometimes be needed not only for an aged man, but also for a young man. Not always we are talking about complete impotence: often we mean partial erectile dysfunction, that is, there is a weakening of the erection, which leads to the inability to conduct a quality sexual intercourse. In the material we will touch on the question of how to cure sluggish potency in men with home and folk methods.

Medicine or food aphrodisiacs
It is believed that the most effective are medications. But it should be borne in mind that they should be used only under the supervision of a doctor. These are such well-known medicines as PDE-5 inhibitors produced in the USA and Germany, and similar potency stimulants. Some of them have a therapeutic effect, the rest are either used once or included in the therapeutic regimen.
But ordinary food can help in unopened cases. Rather, a timely adjusted diet. What foods should a man eat to improve health, and therefore potency, as well as increase libido? How to treat weak potency with the right food? Such a list exists and has justified itself in many cases:
- Nuts (especially with honey).
- Garlic.
- Currant.
- Pumpkin seeds.
- Asparagus.
- Bananas.
- Celery.
- cilantro.
- Ginger.
- Spices of natural origin.
In general, foods containing selenium and zinc are considered aphrodisiacs. These trace elements and amino acids useful for male power are also abundant in fresh seafood. It is better to replace fatty meat with them, and fried potatoes and flour products will leave the table in favor of buckwheat or oatmeal. To increase potency, you should include an abundance of fruits and vegetables in your diet, and instead of coffee, enjoy fresh juices and green tea. First of all, the ability to be effective in bed or lie down, regretting the forced impotence, depends on the man and his responsibility for his own body.

Sports - male power
Potency, the treatment of which is possible by many methods, is strengthened, including with the help of special physical exercises. The notorious presenter often insists on this fact in her popular programs about men's health. So, insufficiency of potency in men is treated with the following exercises:
- Squats. There are two ways in which you can perfectly treat a weak potency. First, stimulation of the anus muscle helps. To do this, tighten the muscle while sitting on your heels or in a chair with your back straight and your head slightly bowed. The face, hands and other parts of the body should be relaxed. The duration of the stress periods should be between 1 and 3 seconds. The exercise itself lasts 10 minutes. Secondly, the following method can also help treat potency problems, but it should be borne in mind that men over 50 use the exercise with caution. In this variant, you should squat slowly, from the starting position, standing on slightly apart legs, simultaneously straining the anal muscle, and while returning to the previous position, relaxing it.
- Walking. Helps to restore male potency long walking. Only the step should be fast, at the rate of 5 km in 50 minutes. This method is positioned as treating a decrease in potency by improving blood circulation in the inguinal region. Walking on the spot is also welcome - the so-called parade step. This exercise involves lifting your knees high.
- Run. In order for a man’s potency to please him and his partner, a similar method of treatment is also appropriate. You need to run away from autobahns and enterprises, ideally - in a park or forest. Speed records are not needed here - slow running is recommended.
Exercises can be varied: you can squeeze the muscles of the anus from a prone position, alternate walking with leg swings, and run while standing still.

Nature to the rescue
Since ancient times, there have been folk recipes for the treatment of many ailments, including for the treatment of potency. Many of them are often mentioned in the popular and useful health program. Folk remedies are passed from mouth to mouth, and some of them are presented in this material:
- Ginger. The magical root is able to cure many diseases. It acts as a general tonic and is especially good for erectile dysfunction. Ginger can be added to tea, dishes as a seasoning, make tinctures and decoctions, and take baths with it.
- Ginseng. This is the most famous component of male alcohol tincture. For this, 2 cm of the root is infused with alcohol for a day. Only 50 g per day - and sexual impotence will be removed as if by hand.
- Oak bark. It is tormented in a water bath and used as a healing decoction.
- Aloe. You can treat weakened potency with a balm of aloe, red wine and honey. The mixture is placed in a dark place for 7 days. Then, after straining, they drink a teaspoon three times a day for a period of about a month.
- Dubrovnik grass. This component in the amount of three tbsp. l. you need to pour boiling water over it and after 40 minutes of infusion apply four times a day. Take the remedy no more than 4 tbsp. l. at once. The course is half a month.
- Air. A glass of boiled water requires only 20 g of calamus. After an eight-hour infusion in a dark place, take 2 tbsp. l. three times a day before meals. Moreover, the root of the plant can sometimes be chewed.
- Nettle. This stubborn herb is not only used to treat various diseases, but in the case when a man is lethargic in bed, it can also help. Nettle makes an excellent salad if you add a boiled egg and onion feathers to it, as well as a kind of dessert that includes grape wine, nettle seed and honey. The remedy is taken regularly before meals, and weak potency - as it never happened, the man will be alert and strong.
- Herbal tinctures. In addition to these herbs, for the treatment of sluggish erections in men, decoctions of hawthorn flowers, St. Herbal treatment brings not a quick, but lasting result.

Also, for the treatment of weakened potency, mummy is used, which is dissolved in warm water (2 g of the substance per 10 tablespoons of water). Take a tablespoon before meals for a decade.
Water is also a natural element, respectively, if used correctly, it can bring a healing effect. For example, in the treatment of weak potency, contrast baths are used (sitting for 15 seconds in hot and cold water, pine cone baths, chamomile and laurel infusions added to the font).
It is important to remember that folk recipes are not always safe and can cause negative consequences for a man, so a preliminary consultation with a doctor is required.
General Tips
Potency can weaken if a man leads a bad, irrational lifestyle. Therefore, before taking care of how to treat a sluggish erection, a man should think about what led to the deplorable situation. Of course, first of all, you should give up bad habits and junk, heavy food, move more and get enough sleep - at least 7-8 hours a day. It is necessary to minimize the consequences of physical inactivity by starting to actively move, lose weight. This is easy to do by simply giving up elevators and cars. Naturally, in order to cure a weakened potency, a man needs to eliminate stress from his life.
There are many methods of treatment, and it is best to approach the solution of the problem in a complex way, then the man will remain young, healthy and full of strength for a long time.