Food is the main source of our energy and the main supplier of building elements for the body. A balanced diet brings only benefits, a beneficial effect on the functioning of all organs and systems, including potency, so many are interested in what natural products to increase potency exist?
There is food that helps, due to the beneficial substances in its composition, improve men's health. Let's see what products improve potency.
Products to increase potency
Among the usual and very useful products for men for potency, experts distinguish the following:
- Honey. It can be eaten as is or added to drinks. It should not be heated or put in too hot tea, as this causes the destruction of beneficial substances and the formation of harmful ones. With frequent consumption of at least 1 teaspoon a day, a man's immunity will be strengthened, testosterone production will increase.
- Greenery. Parsley, cilantro, celery (both leaves and root) can work wonders. With regular consumption, a man will feel vivacity and self-confidence, will become capable of prolonged sexual intercourse, and the quality of erection and sperm will only improve. This effect is achieved by the rich vitamin and mineral composition of greens, easy digestibility of the useful substances contained in it.
- A fish. Particularly useful for male potency are marine varieties of fish, namely mackerel and flounder. These varieties have in their composition easily digestible omega fatty acids involved in the production of testosterone, as well as iodine and minerals. Frequent consumption of steamed and boiled fish helps to increase potency, improve well-being, and increase sperm motility.
- Lean red meat. This product, which has a positive effect on male potency, as it increases testosterone production, is considered a powerful aphrodisiac and a source of energy. Rabbit meat, horse meat, lamb, turkey, chicken are especially useful. But it is worth remembering that unscrupulous producers often process meat for sale for longer storage of the product with substances hazardous to health and inject hormones for the rapid growth of animal carcasses, which negatively affects the health of men and women.
- Turnip. This is a product that improves potency, a real storehouse of useful substances for men's health. It is useful to eat both the rhizomes themselves and the seeds of this plant. Turnip strengthens the immune system, acts as a powerful erection stimulant, serves as a delicious addition to meat and vegetables, salads and bitter dishes.
- Ginger. Tea and baking with this product to increase potency gives an immunostimulating and erection-enhancing effect. It is especially beneficial to eat fresh ginger root rather than store-bought powder.
- Nuts. Regular consumption of them in small amounts will help strengthen the immune system, increase sexual desire, become more attractive and healthier. To get rid of problems with potency, cashews, walnuts and hazelnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds are used in food.
- Chicken and quail eggs. They can be eaten raw or cooked. This product is rich in useful substances, including amino acids, some of which are not synthesized in the human body, phosphorus, iron, zinc, as well as vitamins and other minerals.
- Dark natural chocolate with a high content of cocoa beans. This is a fast and potent product to increase potency in men and improve blood circulation. But it does not work like all the previous ones, which primarily affect the production of testosterone. Under the influence of chocolate, the body releases the happy hormone serotonin and phenylethylamine, which gives a feeling of love and increases libido.
- Fruits and berries. They are useful both fresh and dried. Strawberries, wild strawberries, mangoes, raspberries, grapes, apricots have a particularly favorable effect on libido. They help to remove toxins and slags, increase attraction and potency, increase the duration and quality of sexual intercourse and the sensations received by a man.
- Freshly squeezed juices. Especially among such products for increasing potency, the juice of pumpkin, carrots, celery, watermelon, citrus fruits is of great benefit.
Unusual menu for men
Among the products that improve male potency, it is worth noting those that are not included in the usual diet. They can be eaten as an unusual dish or made into a frequent delicacy. Here is a rating of the most effective products for raising potency in men:
- Perga. This substance is also called "divine nectar. "It is obtained from pollen specially processed by bees. Perga stimulates the production of male hormones, saturates with microelements and vitamins, strengthens the immune system and the cardiovascular system. Perga can be consumed both for prevention and for the treatment of male impotence.
- Shellfish. Like all seafood, oysters are rich in a variety of amino acids, trace elements, and vitamins. In addition, such food, fresh and properly prepared, allows it to become a quick-acting product for increasing potency in men. Mussels and oysters belong to the group of aphrodisiacs - natural pathogens. The main feature of seafood is the high content of zinc in an easily digestible form. This substance is involved in metabolic processes, improves sperm quality and enhances erection. Also in shellfish is a whole set of rare amino acids that have a beneficial effect on the production of the male hormone - testosterone. But this product should not be abused due to the excess content of mercury and other unhealthy substances.
- Kumis (mare's milk). This is an ancient remedy for healing. Such a potency product has a fast action. Half an hour after drinking just 1 glass of milk, you will feel a surge of strength and vigor. Koumiss improves blood composition, the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, strengthens the immune system, helps restore male strength and improve sperm quality.
- Sychuzhina (camel stomach). Surprisingly, just a piece the size of a pea of this dish gives the strongest and fastest effect to increase male potency. Its effect on the body can be compared with the well-known drug Viagra, but such food does not bring a similar negative effect on the condition of the heart, liver, kidneys and other organs. In the East, such a product for male potency is considered a real treasure, which only rulers and very rich people can afford.
What needs to be abandoned
But not all food is good for male power and improving its potency. Experts recommend avoiding:
- pastries and muffins, which only adds kilograms;
- smoked meats, since the liquid currently used to create the effect of smoking is very toxic and can cause a decrease in the performance of the testicles;
- white and gray bread and products containing wheat flour;
- fatty natural milk containing a large amount of estrogen;
- sausages and sausages;
- some vegetable oils, such as oil derived from flax and soybeans;
- cilantro, sugar and salt in large quantities
- fast food, crackers and snacks bought with beer;
- soy and products containing it due to the high content of phytoestrogens that adversely affect male function;
- alcoholic beverages, as they negatively affect the functioning of the whole organism, contribute to sexual weakness and erectile dysfunction;
- products containing carcinogens and cholesterol;
- drinks with caffeine, which can adversely affect men's health and only in the first few hours gives an invigorating effect.
Remember, all these products that increase potency in men, by themselves, without a healthy lifestyle, monitoring your condition and timely contacting a doctor, moderate physical activity and reducing the amount of stress and overwork will not have the desired effect.
This is especially true for older people over the age of 40. Only an integrated approach and a balanced diet, which will be dominated by products that are useful for potency and have all the necessary amino acids, trace elements and vitamins, will help maintain men's health for many years, bring pleasure to both the man himself and his partner.
List of products for male potency
Diet is the basis of the treatment of many diseases. Changing the diet allows you to maintain the health of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, etc. There is nutrition for men for potency, which includes a list of products that are natural aphrodisiacs and allow you to maintain male power.
What vitamins and foods increase potency
Retinol (vitamin B) is one of the most important vitamins for men's health. It contributes to the preservation of potency, the normal functioning of the genitourinary system, increases the production of sex hormones.
Contained in:
- red, yellow vegetables;
- greens (spinach, parsley);
- fish oil;
- liver;
- yolk.
B vitamins include eight elements. They act on the cells of the nervous system. With hypovitaminosis, weakness, irritability, sleep disturbance, apathy, up to the development of depression and neurosis, can be observed. Against their background, psychological erectile dysfunction develops.
To maintain the normal functioning of the nervous system helps the use of:
- cheese;
- potatoes;
- legumes;
- nuts;
- red fish;
- bananas.
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - supports the immune system, protects the body from infections, stimulates the production of hormones responsible for sexual desire (dopamine). It is a natural antioxidant.
Contained in:
- citrus;
- sweet pepper;
- wild rose;
- red currant.
Vitamin D - normalizes the production of testosterone, converts estrogen into less active forms. In combination with calcium, it is responsible for building bones. With hypovitaminosis, osteoporosis, osteomalacia, a decrease in testosterone activity with a decrease in libido and sexual function, and an increase in estrogen activity appear. The main source of vitamin D is sunlight.
It is also found in:
- dairy and sour-milk products;
- quail and chicken eggs;
- cheese.
Vitamin E is another important element responsible for the normal functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. With hypovitaminosis, libido decreases and infertility develops.
Contained in:
- nuts;
- broccoli;
- sunflower seeds;
- greens;
- carrots;
- meat;
- fermented milk products;
- bran.
Fast-acting products for potency in men
Walnuts in combination with honey - a vitamin mixture. Proportions mixing 1: 1. To improve potency, take 1 teaspoon before breakfast.
To increase potency two hours before a date, it is recommended to eat half a lemon.
In Eastern culture, a special place is given to spices. They increase libido and tone the body.
These include:
- ginger;
- saffron;
- cardamom;
- Carnation.
For male potency, tea is brewed with the addition of one of the spices.
Boiled mackerel is rich in omega fatty acids involved in the biochemical synthesis of testosterone. The use of this product twice a week increases potency and normalizes spermatogenesis.
Red grapes - stimulates sperm production, increases libido. It is necessary to use 10 g of ripe grape peel to improve erection.
Avocados are rich in vegetable fats, which are involved in cleansing the blood of toxic substances, reducing the level of cholesterol in the blood, increasing vascular tone, thereby affecting the vessels of the penis.
The Best Products for Male Strength
Pine nuts, almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts contain a large amount of arginine, tocopherol, B vitamins, zinc, and selenium. Eat 100 g of nuts or a mixture of them per day.
Fish and seafood contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. Seafood contains zinc. Its highest content is in mussels. They also contain amino acids that affect the production of sex hormones.
Vegetables for potency
Sweet pepper contains antioxidants, normalizes blood circulation in the vessels of the penis, and prevents thrombosis. Regular use of salad with sweet pepper allows you to restore sexual desire with psychogenic erectile dysfunction.
Cauliflower is well absorbed by the human body. Regular use reduces the risk of developing inflammatory diseases and tumors of the prostate.
Broccoli has an anti-atherosclerotic effect in the human body. Due to its antioxidant properties, this vegetable reduces the risk of developing cancer, diabetes, and obesity. It should also be noted that the inclusion of broccoli in the diet helps to normalize testosterone levels.
Carrots help with diseases of the cardiovascular system, chronic fatigue, depression. The use helps to restore blood circulation in the penis.
Bananas have a high energy value. Contain B vitamins, catecholamines, tryptophan. Eating bananas improves mood, helps fight depressive disorders. Stimulates the production of sex hormones, are natural prolongators.
Kiwi contains almost all vitamins, microelements, fiber, organic acids. It normalizes blood pressure, lowers cholesterol levels, stimulates the production of testosterone, and reduces the risk of developing inflammatory diseases of the genital area.
Apricots are a natural aphrodisiac. Their use increases libido, increases the duration of sexual intercourse.

When there is a weakening of potency, middle-aged men often complain about age. However, age-related changes are not always responsible for a decrease in potency. Often such a decrease in potency is associated with the lifestyle that a man leads. And it's not just about bad habits and lack of physical activity, to a greater extent this is due to malnutrition. The body does not receive the substances it needs for life, stops working properly, which primarily leads to the loss of functions that are not responsible for the life of the individual, such as the function of reproduction. To prevent this, it is necessary to review the diet: include foods that increase potency and exclude foods that reduce the sexual function of men.
Products that lower the level of sex hormones and potency
Salt. Scientists have proven that excess sodium in the body of a man reduces the production of testosterone, which leads to a decrease in potency. The habit of salting food abundantly can be the main reason for the weakening of sexual desire and potency. Sodium is needed by the body, but in limited quantities. For men, the daily dose of salt should not exceed 3-4 grams. Learn more about how much salt and why a man needs.
Sugar. Tea with sugar, cake, chocolates, sweet sparkling water, juices from the store are all excess sugar that provokes a decrease in sexual function. Although the body needs glucose as a source of energy, dietary glucose does not have the same properties as organic (from food). The maximum daily intake of sugar for men is 6 teaspoons.
Fast food. It is the most dangerous enemy not only for sexual, but also for the general health of a man. If there is a daily snack with fast food, then it is necessary to replace it with a natural and complete diet. Fast food is not only food from McDonald's and other similar establishments, as many mistakenly believe, fast food includes store-bought dumplings and dumplings, pasta and instant mashed potatoes (Rolton, Doshirak), hot dogs, sausages, chips and other products. If you can not completely abandon these products, reduce their consumption to a minimum.
Sweet carbonated drinks. As mentioned above, carbonated drinks contain sugar, which in excess is harmful to men (one glass of soda contains about 6 teaspoons of sugar). However, not only excess sugar is harmful to health, in addition, carbonated drinks contain preservatives, carcinogens and chemical additives that do not bode well for our body. The best replacement for carbonated drinks is purified water.
Pastries and white bread. Contains yeast, sugar, acids and other substances that reduce the level of male sex hormones. You should replace the consumption of white bread with black or unleavened bread.
Products containing soy. Soy products contain plant analogues of female sex hormones - phytoestrogens, which are opposite in their properties to the male hormone testosterone. Currently, soy is widely used in the food industry as the main source of vegetable protein. It can be found in dairy (milk, cheese), meat (sausage, sausages, semi-finished products), confectionery and other products. However, this does not mean that you have to give up products containing soy, just that you should limit their consumption.

Caffeine. Caffeine destroys free testosterone molecules. Free (biologically active) testosterone is of greater importance for a man than testosterone, which is in a bound form. Minimize your caffeine intake.
Alcoholic drinks. According to scientists, alcohol acts like a poison on a man's testicles, suppressing their function in the production of sex hormones and spermatozoa. Moreover, according to scientists, the testicles never fully restore their functions, i. e. a man who constantly consumes alcohol runs the risk of becoming a sexless creature. The real blow to the sexual function of men is beer. Beer contains phytoestrogens - female sex hormones of plant origin, which suppress the production of testosterone and have the opposite effect. Elevated levels of estrogen in men not only suppress sexual function, but also provoke the deposition of excess fat and female-type breast growth (in severe cases).