The piquant topic of decreased libido, erection strength for men will always remain one of the most exciting. There are specific products that affect the potency of a man, they include substances that have a beneficial effect on health, the quality of human life. These are not some exotic fruits, vegetables or spices, most of them are on store shelves in all cities. Food for potency has a positive effect only with regular use in the diet of a man.

Nutrition for potency in men
The fact that some products affect male power has long been known. Such food for potency is called - aphrodisiacs, comes from Ancient Greece by the name of the gods of Aphrodite. Such products are often prescribed for penile dysfunction that is not related to physiological causes. Nutrition to increase potency in men should contain vitamins of the following groups:
- A, E - are considered "vitamins of reproduction;
- B - improves the passage of an impulse along the nerve endings.
A man will be able to improve potency only with a balanced diet. Overeating can lead to a decrease in male power, a hungry person may not have it at all. A man's diet should contain a high content of plant components, proteins, and minerals are an important component. There should be a lot in a guy's diet:
What foods increase male potency
In almost every category of food, there are options that help increase sexual activity. Products that increase potency in men can be divided into seafood, fruits, vegetables, drinks, meat. From each of this group, aphrodisiacs are distinguished, which must be included in the diet. Foods for fast acting potency - nuts, protein foods, seafood. If we talk about vegetables, then you need to eat:
- cauliflower - provides antioxidant protection, contains a daily dosage of ascorbic acid in 50 g;
- celery - affects libido;
- broccoli - contains iron, zinc, folic acid, helps fight heavy metal salts, cleanses the blood;
- zucchini - gently stimulates potency, contains proteins, unsaturated fatty acids;
- carrots - a multivitamin vegetable, improves sexual function, mineral metabolism;
- Beijing cabbage - strengthens the immune system, cleanses the blood, increases its flow to the genitals;
- tomatoes - a lot of trace elements and vitamins are in this vegetable;
- avocado - rich in proteins, has a stimulating effect;
- turnip - contains a lot of vitamins, nutrients and trace elements that affect the increase in testosterone production.
What fruits increase potency in men
For the full functioning of the genital organs, trace elements and vitamins are needed in large quantities. Fruits for men that increase potency help get rid of sexual problems. This happens due to a combination of vitamins from the composition of products that improve the strength of a man. Fruits with ascorbic and folic acid, tocopherol and other useful trace elements are especially useful.
Many fruits are able to increase testosterone levels in men, which makes the benefits of them even more tangible. A large amount of vitamin C is found in citrus fruits: lemons, tangerines, oranges. They increase the metabolic rate, which favorably affects the nutrition of body tissues, improves the fullness of sensations during sexual contact. Each menu for potency should include:
Bee products to increase potency
The beneficial properties of honey are used in many areas for the treatment of skin diseases, cosmetic procedures. Perga helps men for potency and other forms of this product. The composition of honey includes many amino acids, trace elements, natural hormones that affect male power. Beekeeping products to increase potency are deservedly considered a good aphrodisiac.
This natural product can be bought at any time of the year, in winter it is recommended to eat at least 1 tablespoon, in summer - more. To enhance the effect on male power, walnuts should be added, it turns out very tasty and healthy. Additionally, you can use dried apricots, figs, prunes, passed through a meat grinder along with honey. Bee products help restore a man's strength, increase energy reserves, and increase blood flow to the genitals.
Seafood for potency
Many varieties of sea fish, oysters contain zinc, selenium, which men should receive on an ongoing basis, these are substances that affect libido. Seafood for potency is very tasty dishes that sometimes help to achieve an instant effect (sexual arousal). From this group, to improve erection, it is recommended to eat:
- oysters;
- sea fish, for example, flounder;
- shrimps.
The most useful products for potency in men that affect sexual arousal are those that have undergone minimal heat treatment. So it will be possible to preserve the maximum number of unique taste and medicinal properties of food. You should not eat seafood that is cooked in a large amount of sunflower oil, this will increase bad cholesterol in the blood.
What to drink for potency for men
You need to eat right always, it will help maintain all body systems in good condition. Above was a list of products that affect potency, but there are some drinks that will help in this matter. Tea that increases potency is the choice of the majority, it has an overall positive effect on the entire body. Simple green tea contains a lot of zinc, which increases the amount of testosterone, inhibits the development of prostatitis and maintains the tone of the muscles of the reproductive system.
To get the maximum effect for strengthening male strength, you need to drink only freshly brewed green tea. Trace elements from the drink are better absorbed if consumed after meals. Hibiscus or hibiscus (red tea) strengthens human health, increases potency due to the content of amino acids, proteins, ascorbic acid. It is recommended to drink hot in the second half of the day.
If you drink only black tea, then you can add erection-enhancing properties to it with the help of additional ingredients: ginger, cardamom, lemon, St. John's wort, rose hips, raspberries, currants. You can add lemon juice to any drinks and this will lead to an acceleration of metabolism, blood flow to the genitals. It is recommended to try a cocktail of quail eggs, lemon juice and honey. In one cup you will get a good portion of vitamin C, fructose, glucose, proteins.
You can make a mixture of carrot and birch juice, if desired (to taste), you can add a little freshly squeezed beetroot. You need to drink 1 time per day and soon you will be able to feel the result. You can find nutritional supplements in sports stores that contain proteins (protein), any high-quality one will stimulate potency. It is recommended to drink koumiss, compotes from dried fruits and products that affect potency to increase male strength: apricots, figs, prunes seasoned with honey.
Products for erection - a list of the most effective vegetables, fruits, drinks, nuts and spices
To increase erectile function, it is useful to eat special products for erection. These include foods rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals. Substances that affect the improvement of potency and sexual desire should be ingested by a man daily. Check out the list of correct foods, how to process them, and a sample daily menu.
Medicine under an erection understands the complex process of the work of the soft tissues of the male genital organs, controlled by the neurovascular system. Nerve impulses give a signal to the brain, it releases hormones into the blood, and the prostate gland starts the production of testosterone and seminal fluid. Excitation occurs, which can be disturbed by improper functioning of the hormonal system, stress. If a man is healthy, you can adjust the potency with a diet. Erectile function should be improved regularly.
What is good for erection
Effective erection improvement products contain important components that positively affect full male potency and sexual desire, eliminating dysfunction. It is recommended to choose products for erectile function that contain the following substances:
- arginine - an amino acid to enhance erection, which is a nitrogen donator that dilates blood vessels, increases blood flow (nuts, pumpkin seeds);
- tryptophan - an essential amino acid stimulant of potency, promotes the proper synthesis of proteins, sex hormones (fatty fish);
- valine - an amino acid that can restore muscles, increase the production of serotonin (dairy products, legumes, mushrooms, meat);
- useful trace elements zinc, selenium, which can be taken in the form of medicinal preparations - stimulate the production of testosterone hormone, ensure the health of spermatozoa (bran, mushrooms).
Spermatozoa are a "concentrate" of nucleic acids, biologically active substances, so food for erection should contain proteins, phosphorus, cholesterol, calcium, selenium, zinc, potassium. They are found in sesame, pistachios, legumes. For normal sexual activity in the diet of a man, vitamins E, A and B6 must be present, which can enhance the conduction of impulses along the nerves. Folic acid and omega-3 are indispensable in a healthy diet for men.
These substances can be found in cereal bread and wholemeal flour, marine and river fish species. It is good to have crayfish, shrimp, crabs, mussels or squid for lunch weekly and fish for dinner twice a week. You need to choose salmon, sardine, herring or sprat - they are erection stimulants and improve sexual function. Omega-3 is found in walnuts and almonds, rapeseed, linseed oil, which have a positive effect on the body.
Erection enhancing products
To avoid deterioration of erection, problems with potency, its dysfunction, the following harmful products should be avoided:
- smoked meats;
- alcohol, beer;
- carbonated drinks;
- corn, soybean oil (over 6 tablespoons per day);
- yeast white bread, pastries;
- fatty milk, fast food;
- soy, chips, pizza, sausages, mayonnaise;
- fried foods;
- more than 1 cup of coffee per day;
- a large amount of cilantro, sugar, salt.
Menu for real men
Products for erection should be present in the daily men's menu. Here is an approximate correct daily diet to improve potency, erectile function:
- Three egg whites, one tomato, basil, a slice of whole grain bread, coffee without sugar, yogurt with watermelon.
- Milkshake with banana, cinnamon.
- Tomato-cucumber salad with herbs, garlic, vegetable oil;
- Borscht with meat, salmon with a side dish of rice, vegetables; unsweetened tea, dried fruits (or cereal cookies).
- Fruit (apple, pear, orange).
- Beef liver with cauliflower stewed in a creamy sauce, a glass of red wine (once a week).
The most useful and harmful products for men after 40
Perhaps everyone knows that it is impossible to stay in shape after 40, eating like in 20. As the body ages, it becomes less efficient to deal with the effects of unhealthy foods and drinks, making it increasingly difficult for a man to maintain a healthy body weight. At the same time, obesity increases the risk of heart disease, cancer, including prostate and bladder cancer, type 2 diabetes and hormonal imbalance, which entails a number of health problems. Therefore, proper nutrition should become an integral part of the life of every member of the stronger sex, especially after 40 years.
What role does food play in the health of men over 40?
A healthy diet and regular exercise can help you not only feel better and stay fit, but also help prevent diseases that increase with age, such as type 2 diabetes, arthritis, cancer, prostate disease, and more.
Therefore, the use of certain products for men is an effective strategy:
- blood sugar control;
- reduce inflammation;
- maintaining a normal weight;
- promoting cardiovascular health.
A well-chosen diet together with your doctor will help control existing diseases.
What to limit in the diet: the most harmful foods for men after 40 years
By knowing which foods are most harmful to your health, you can replace them with healthier foods and thereby reduce the risk of developing dangerous diseases.
The frying process turns any, even the most healthy, product into unhealthy food - be it fish, potatoes, chicken or even vegetables. Chips and french fries, for example, contain the chemical compound acrylamide, which some studies have linked to an increased risk of cancer. In addition, high-calorie foods lead to weight gain, and also increase the chances of developing hormonal problems, joint diseases and other ailments. Therefore, try to cook food mainly by boiling, steaming or in the oven.
Doctors from all over the world have been talking about the dangers of sweet soda for health for more than a year, backing up their words with scientific research data.
Many people believe that fruit juices are the key to health, but for men over 40, this drinking product is far from the best choice. First, because of the high sugar content; secondly, due to the lack of healthy fiber, in contrast to eating whole fruits. A healthier alternative to fruit juices is smoothies.
Meat is considered a real "product for men", but experts warn that it is still better to limit its amount in the diet due to an increased risk of developing diabetes. And fried meat is associated with a high likelihood of developing prostate cancer. By the way, try to enjoy the divine taste of bacon and sausages as little as possible - they do not benefit the cardiovascular system, especially after the age of 40 years.
The frying process turns any, even the most healthy, product into unhealthy food - be it fish, potatoes, chicken or even vegetables.
White bread and similar pastries
Cookies, muffins, pasta, and white bread have been blamed for inflammation, arthritis, and unhealthy levels of sugar in the body. Therefore, doctors recommend eating whole grain bread.
Fatty dairy products
Dairy products are fraught with 2 dangers: high levels of saturated fats and synthetic hormones. Therefore, it is important to choose your milk drinks wisely (prefer organic low-fat milk).
Scientists constantly present conflicting research data: some talk about the health benefits of reasonable amounts of alcoholic beverages, others warn of the harmful effects on the body of even minimal doses of ethyl alcohol. One thing is known for sure: alcohol abuse harms the health of every person, so remember that you are no longer 20 and the liver is less efficient at neutralizing harmful substances - take care of it.
What to make the main diet: the most useful foods for men after 40 years
Useful products for men over 40 should not only be added to the diet, but also made the basis for protection:
This will help healthy fats that can be obtained from avocados, nuts, olive oil, and folic acid, which is rich in avocados, spinach, asparagus, all types of cabbage. Remember that the state of the cardiovascular system also affects the sexual function of men, and erectile dysfunction can be a sign of heart disease.
Since the risk of prostate disease increases after about 40 years, it is very important for a man to increase the amount of foods rich in the antioxidant lycopene - tomatoes and watermelons - in his diet. Omega-3 fatty acids are another group of substances that protect the heart and prostate gland. They can be obtained from oily fish and fish oil. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of pomegranates make them a great option for men of all ages, just like any fresh vegetable.
Loss of bone density and osteoporosis can be prevented through strength training and adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D. However, the best source of this vitamin is sunlight, which triggers the process of its synthesis in the body. In terms of food, useful will be: almonds, tofu, spinach, cabbage, sesame seeds, chia, dates.
In this case, it is recommended to pay attention to foods that increase testosterone levels, including beets, radishes, carrots, celery, tomatoes, watermelons and garlic.
Proper nutrition for the brain will ensure not only good health and mental sharpness, but also reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. These foods include: oily fish, nuts, flax seeds, olive oil, fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C (bell peppers, broccoli, strawberries) and vitamin E (almonds, olive oil). In principle, any fresh berries and nuts are useful for the brain, which help nerve cells work better and recover faster. By the way, dark chocolate is an excellent source of flavonoids, which are extremely beneficial for the heart and brain.
In general, healthy and unhealthy foods for men and women are not much different - more fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts will help improve the health of almost every body system. Also, do not underestimate the role of regular physical activity - the mode of physical activity also needs to be adjusted with age. Eat right, exercise regularly, do not forget about healthy sleep and good mood - and your body will be extremely grateful to you!