Millions of men around the world are asking the same question - how to increase potency. Increasing potency is a common problem, therefore, its solution should be approached competently. How to improve potency for a long time or just restore it for a one-time sex are two completely different questions. Poor potency can be corrected by taking a special pill to increase potency. Or you can carry out a full restoration of potency, that is, find the reasons due to which sluggish potency is observed or male strength has disappeared altogether. In any case, with such a question as potency, it is recommended to start treatment only after a visit to a specialist.
Basic methods
What is potency in men and why some people want to increase potency, you know very well. Sometimes a decrease in potency in men is associated with age, while others have certain disorders. Moreover, it is not so rare that a violation of potency is directly related to psychological factors.
The reasons for the decrease in potency are different for each person. How to increase potency in men, not knowing the true reasons that entailed such consequences? In the long term, this is difficult to do. Yes, problems with potency can be solved with pills. But how long can you have sex with just drug stimulation? In fact, the reasons for poor potency must be looked for. After you have learned what caused the problems with potency, you can choose the best way to solve them.
In order to increase potency in men, several approaches can be used:
- natural;
- by the method of special exercises;
- natural and folk remedies;
- medical method;
- hardware-surgical methods.
How to raise potency with the presented methods?
Natural ways
If you know exactly what affects potency in a negative way specifically in your case, then it will not be difficult to choose a method for treating potency in men.
- Normalize your diet.What affects potency in the first place and leads to the fact that there is a weak erectile function? Food that a man eats. Fatty, flour, alcoholic, smoked and so on. All this affects the violation of erectile function. The more wrong the diet, the higher the likelihood of encountering such a phenomenon when the former male potency remained only in memories. If potency is gone, reconsider your diet. Focus on fruits, vegetables and vitamins. Zinc, minerals, selenium, vitamins B, C and E are especially useful. With a weak potency, what to do and from what to make up the diet? Focus on chocolate, legumes, garlic and honey, eggs, carrots, and nuts. With their regular use after problematic potency, the increase will begin very soon;
- Physical exercises.To restore potency in men, there are many special exercises that can be done at home. Their main purpose is to improve blood circulation in the pelvic area. They will take a lot of time, but male potency will return to you;
- Increase your desire to have sex.The reasons for weak potency in men are often hidden in the lack of desire to have sex. This usually happens when the relationship is stagnant. Try to diversify your sex life, try something new. The more often you get turned on, the better it will affect your erectile function. You can even watch photos and videos of relevant content with your spouse;
- The weight.With sluggish potency, causes and treatment are often associated with an overweight man. This is a serious enemy of your normal sexual relationship, so try your best to lose weight;
- Lifestyle.Problems with potency are more likely to occur in those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, try to diversify it with physical activity;
- Bad habits and stress.For good erectile function, you need to give up tobacco and alcohol, and also try to avoid severe nervous disorders. To improve potency in men, they should also get enough sleep.
Natural and folk remedies
With such a problem as a weak potency, the reasons can be hidden in the body and in the head, that is, in the subconscious. Improving potency, the violation of which is associated with psychoemotional reasons, is often achieved by talking with a psychologist.
If problems with erectile function have physiological characteristics, you can try a few simple tips:
- Eat 3 cloves of garlic every day
- potency treatment can be carried out by regular consumption of raw pumpkin seeds;
- honey applications are one of the best answers to how to improve erectile function;
- do mustard plasters, which are applied to the feet and return male potency quickly, and in some places is useful for other systems and organs;
- restores masculine strength using greens;
- for good male strength, we advise you to take a contrast shower and take baths with the addition of mummy;
- nuts will help to raise the genitals - mainly pine, walnuts and almonds;
- enhances the attraction of juice and tomatoes and a small amount of quality red wine.
Physical exercises
How to restore potency with the help of physical education? In general, with low potency, causes and treatment are found and prescribed in the form of physical exercise as an adjunct to the main treatment.

For the potency of men, sport is useful. But we're not talking about extreme exercise and steroid use. How to increase your potency by practicing literally for 10-20 minutes a day? The increase in potency is achieved with a few simple exercises.
- Ceremonial steps.To increase potency in men, you need to stimulate blood flow in the genital area. There are different toning exercises. One of the simplest erectile-enhancing exercises is the parade step. Stand up straight, lower your hands down and walk, trying to raise your knees as high as possible;
- A rock.To solve the problem of potency, how to raise a stone will not be difficult to figure out. What should be done? Stand up straight, then bend your knees slightly. When the gluteal muscles are tense, the knees need to be bent even more, and then relax. It should feel as if you are using the gluteal muscles to squeeze the stone and then lower it;
- Bridge.How to improve potency with such an exercise? Lie on your back, bend your knees in half and press your feet firmly against the floor. Hands along the body. It is important that your back is completely touching the floor. In this position, the pelvis slowly rises and falls.
- We strain the muscles of potency.The position is the same as in the last exercise, but spread your legs a little. In this position, you need to strain and relax the muscles of the penis. You should feel like you're holding back from peeing.
Preparations and hardware-surgical methods

No need to self-medicate and consult with friends about the treatment of potency! See a doctor immediately!
How to restore erectile function if the previous methods did not help? Restoring potency is a complex and complex issue.
We told you what is useful for potency and how to increase potency in simple ways. But when men have lost potency and they do not know what to do about it, the search for more radical methods begins. No ways to increase potency in men help, they do not increase strength, and the desire to have sex disappears.
Here the problem already arises not in how to increase or how to quickly increase potency. The complete absence of erectile function indicates a serious problem with potency, and only a doctor will tell you what to do in this situation.
How to quickly restore potency? In fact, restoring erectile function is a sensitive and highly personal issue. Discussing it with the men is not worth it. The best option is to see a doctor. He will learn how to treat the problem in your case after a detailed examination. Male potency treatment can be done in different ways.
- Stimulation medications.The funds are really effective in many cases. But they give only temporary results, they are not intended for treatment;
- Medication.It is not uncommon to use hormonal drugs that increase the level of testosterone in the body, which is responsible for erectile function. It can also be a complex of drugs for the treatment of diseases that have led to violations;
- Injections.Direct injections into the penis have an excellent, but also temporary effect;
- Vacuum.There are special devices that temporarily improve blood circulation. Suitable for older men, but for younger people this method will be temporary. You need to look for the reason;
- Surgery.It is rarely carried out and in cases where no other method helps. It is best not to resort to surgical methods until you have tried all others, even the most unlikely ones.
This is a really urgent problem, which, in fact, has many solutions. The main thing is not to be ashamed of a weak or absent erection, but to start quickly looking for the reasons and ways to solve them.