There are many reasons for erection problems. This includes constant fatigue, bad habits, low physical activity, improper and irrational nutrition. Other negative factors are lack of sleep, existing chronic diseases, pathologies of the endocrine organs.
With problems "in the male part", self-doubt develops, the feeling of the fullness of life is lost, and various diseases arise on this basis. Many drugs have been developed to treat disorders, but many of them have side effects.
Before using the tablets, it does not hurt to try out some alternative methods of treatment on yourself. An excellent option against erectile dysfunction would be the use of medicinal herbs. Reasonable use of plant components for potency is more effective than a course of drugs.
There are many plants that have a beneficial effect. Hawthorn, oregano, dubrovnik, sage, horseradish, St. John's wort, cumin, nettle are often used. No less effective are the red root, galangal, Goryanka and aloe.
To improve potency, it is useful to use red pepper, pumpkin seeds, legumes, parsley. Herbs to increase potency in men contribute to a rush of blood to the pelvic organs, increased sexual desire and sensations.
Chinese lemongrass helps to restore potency. The plant is considered a natural aphrodisiac, it is used dried or fresh. Lemongrass will be an excellent basis for making tea, you just need to take a little grass and pour boiling water over it.
In addition to the mass of vitamins and other valuable elements that can increase the tone of the male body, lemongrass contains unique biologically active substances - lignans. They are able to stimulate spermatogenesis, improve the functioning of the liver. Chinese lemongrass will help control the process of ejaculation.
Various recipes based on lemongrass help to increase libido. It can be infusions, powder or decoctions. Tinctures are prepared from the seeds of the plant, for preparation it is necessary to take 10 grams of raw materials, pour 50 grams of medical alcohol, leave for a day and take 30 drops three times a day.
A tonic infusion can also be prepared according to another recipe, lemongrass berries are taken for it:
- a tablespoon of raw materials should be poured with a liter of boiling water;
- insist for three hours;
- strain, add honey.
An adult man of any age can carry out treatment, it is enough to take an infusion in a dosage of 50 ml 3 times a day.
If you do not want to bother with the preparation of tinctures, you can use Chinese magnolia vine powder to improve erection. Once a day, use half a gram of the drug. It is not difficult to calculate the dosage; exactly 0. 5 grams of powder is placed on the tip of the knife.
Well, or practice another, simpler way to increase potency. It is useful to eat lemongrass berries raw. They do this immediately before sexual intercourse, after half an hour the effect will begin, it lasts about 5 hours.
It should be noted that the product is forbidden to use before bedtime, as well as with a predisposition to hypertension or excessive excitability of the nervous system.

For the potency of men, sage is used as tinctures, decoctions or ointments. Raw materials are sold in a pharmacy or harvested independently. For treatment and prevention, you need to use leaves, stems of young shoots and flowers, both fresh and dry.
The classic recipe involves the use of dried leaves of the plant. Measure out two large spoons, pour a glass of boiling water, then bring to readiness in a water bath for another 15 minutes. Take the remedy in a chilled form several times a day. The duration of the course of treatment must be agreed with the doctor.
You can prepare the remedy according to another recipe. It is required to take a tablespoon of dried pharmaceutical sage, pour 200 ml of hot water, insist in a thermos for about 30 minutes. The entire amount of funds is divided into three equal parts, drink during the day.
Against another urgent problem - premature ejaculation, a sage bath will help.
Together with the plant, other medicinal herbs are also used:
- chamomile;
- thyme;
- calendula.
Each component should be taken in equal quantities, pour boiling water over, leave for 40 minutes. After the infusion is filtered through gauze, poured into a warm bath. The duration of the procedure, the man chooses on his own. To reinforce the result, other means for potency are also taken inside.
Any herb that helps increase potency can be used alone or in combination with other plants that are useful for men.
Aloe juice

A positive effect on the male body and the genitourinary system, aloe juice can raise the overall tone. At home, men should use it to prepare various remedies. For example, it is used with dry red wine and parsley.
For cooking, you need aloe juice (170 g); wine (400 ml); parsley (50 g).
Mix the ingredients, add a glass of acacia honey, pour into a glass jar. The remedy is insisted for 10 days in a dark place, every day without forgetting to shake.
The finished product is filtered, filtered through several layers of gauze, consumed before breakfast, lunch and dinner in a tablespoon. To improve the taste, the product is allowed to drink with milk.
To increase male power, another recipe is also used. Grind 500 g of walnut, add 150 ml of aloe juice, 70 g of parsnip rhizome, 400 g of bee honey. Ingredients are eaten in a tablespoon between meals.
Juice is included in mixtures along with St. John's wort. Grass is poured with 1. 5 liters of boiling water, boiled for 5 minutes, allowed to cool. Then 30 ml of aloe juice, 150 g of dry wine are poured into it. The mixture is consumed in a couple of tablespoons three times a day.
Together with aloe apply:
- rosehip in powder form;
- butter;
- goose fat;
- honey.
The entire list of products is taken in equal quantities, mixed, heated, but not brought to a boil. Then you need to mix it all, cool, use a tablespoon before meals three times a day.
As in the previous case, the remedy is allowed to be taken with milk.
Products for potency
Red pepper

The list of remedies against potency disorders also includes red hot pepper.
With the systematic use of the product in food, there is a good blood flow to the pelvic organs, increased sexual desire.
But not everyone knows the effect of hot pepper on the male body. Hot pepper is a powerful aphrodisiac, improves metabolism, increases testosterone levels. That is why red pepper is used to improve potency. It tones well, improves mood and gives strength. Therefore, men after eating it become strong, strong, self-confident.
Reviews of men are advised to use a recipe that allows you to get the fastest result. Every day before going to bed, it is useful to prepare a drink that contains red pepper and regular sugar.
The ingredients are mixed in the same ratio, a teaspoon is measured, dissolved in 250 ml of warm cow's milk. Drink continues to drink throughout the week.
In folk medicine, pumpkin seeds and other components of this vegetable are widely used. Seeds will really help to raise the potency of a man, regularly you need to eat 30 grains.
Before use, the seeds must be dried in the oven. But you can’t fry them, this will negatively affect the composition, the product will lose the bulk of its healing qualities.
For variety, you can cook pumpkin balls. To do this, the seeds are passed through a meat grinder, mixed in any proportion with honey. In the morning, dissolve one ball at a time, ideally half an hour before breakfast.
Seeds and the vegetable itself are forbidden to be consumed if a man is sick with a stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer, gastritis.

To the surprise of many representatives of the stronger half, you can not only use horseradish inside, but also use it externally. Various compresses and lotions improve blood flow to the penis, enhancing erection. There are a lot of recipes, but more often the root is eaten in pickled or salted form.
An increase in potency is observed after the use of products based on horseradish root. A positive effect and an excellent therapeutic effect is achieved when using such a recipe.
They take 500 grams of horseradish root, grind it in a meat grinder, put it in a glass jar and pour boiled water up to the middle.
Horseradish insist 7 days, then add half a kilogram of honey to the jar, squeeze the juice from three large lemons. The mixture is well mixed and left for another week.
One spoonful of the finished product is eaten before breakfast and dinner. If the functioning of the kidneys and organs of the digestive tract is impaired, the method cannot be used. Celery is used instead.

Herbs to increase potency in men of instant action do not exist, they begin to work only under the condition of long-term moderate use.
An excellent tool will be a collection of mint, nettle and St. John's wort. One large spoonful of the mixture is poured with a liter of boiling water, insisted for 30 minutes, filtered, divided into several parts and taken throughout the day.
Not only nettle grass helps, but also its seeds. In the treatment of erectile dysfunction, the seeds are brewed like tea, it is enough to pour a spoonful of seeds into a cup, pour water and drink in half an hour.
An excellent way to increase male strength is to use nettle seeds with red wine and bee honey. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. In addition, a man's immunity increases, blood is cleansed, prostatitis disappears.
Black cumin
Black cumin is used against impotence at home:
- seeds are ground with a coffee grinder;
- measure out a teaspoon;
- pour in a tablespoon of olive oil.
The course of treatment will be 1 month. In a similar dosage, black cumin is taken with a chicken egg, it is best to do this before breakfast.
Plant oil works well against reduced potency. Take 25 drops, add to a tablespoon of natural honey, take for a month and a half three times a day.

The rhizome of galangal helps to increase sexual desire.
The plant is distinguished by its ability to improve heart function, reduce the effects of stressful situations. The plant is mixed with other herbs against impotence.
Raw materials are boiled for about 20 minutes on the slowest fire, insisted for 2 hours. It is recommended to take three times a day. The standard dosage is two large spoons 15 minutes before meals.
The use of galangal root is undesirable at high body temperature, colds, infectious processes in the body. Another limitation will be a predisposition to the formation of blood clots.
Ginseng root
Tibetan or Altai ginseng is considered an excellent natural aphrodisiac, it is part of a number of nutritional supplements for impotence and other sexual disorders. The plant has a whole complex of essential oils, tannins that improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs. The plant treats manifestations of weak potency, increases the tone of the body, and has a good effect on the duration of sexual intercourse.
Dried ginseng is mixed with vodka, infused for 3 days, 25 drops are taken 30 minutes before meals. The drug is suitable for course use, in which case they drink 15 drops three times a day for three months.
Other means

Strengthening the male body, increasing the production of testosterone is provided by the reasonable use of St. John's wort. Prepare 10 g of grass, pour a glass of boiling water. It is necessary to take the drug in a third of a glass a day.
Common hawthorn has gained wide popularity; vitamin tinctures are prepared from it. The berries of the plant (1 glass) are ground into powder, poured with a glass of medical alcohol. You can sometimes use inflorescences, then take 4 tablespoons for the same amount of alcohol. Hawthorn insist 21 days, filter, drink a small spoonful after each meal. It is allowed to drink the product with juice or water.
You can still be treated with thyme. 30 grams of herbs are poured with two glasses of boiling water, insisted for 2 hours. Tincture is drunk in a glass before breakfast on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed. The course of treatment lasts 2 weeks. If necessary, therapy is continued after a week break.
Kopeck helps to instantly improve the condition and increase endurance. The plant is sold in bags, brewed instead of tea. It normalizes urination, prevents inflammation in the prostate, makes you feel better, and is used in the treatment of prostate adenoma.