Many men are now experiencing erectile dysfunction, but few know that you can cope with this problem by doing physical education. Some are looking for traditional medicine on the Internet, but there is a special gymnastics to increase the potency of men. This article will give some types of exercises to improve potency.
The benefits of gymnastics for male potency

Gymnastics for potency is used in cases where there are no serious diseases of the male genital area, for example: prostate adenoma, cancer, acute prostatitis, etc. But if there are no such problems, then gymnastic exercises help increase potency by improving blood circulation in the pelvis, strengthening muscles.
Exercises for men will help in the following cases:
- weakening of erection;
- premature ejaculation;
- decrease in libido;
- inability to perform a full sexual intercourse;
- there were no morning and night erections;
- lack of vivid impressions during intercourse.
Because all of these problems have one reason - a weak filling of the penis with blood and, as a result, impotence. After even simple exercises in men, there is an improvement in potency, strength appears. Gymnastics to increase potency in men includes Tibetan gymnastics, yoga, breathing exercises. You need to do half an hour every day for two or three months.
Gymnastics leads to the following results:
- Exercise increases male hormone levels.
- The muscles of the perineum are strengthened, which are responsible for a normal erection, retention of urine and feces.
- Improves blood circulation in the pelvis, which helps to improve erection.
- Exercise strengthens the nervous system, which is important for full potency.
- Gymnastics helps to raise the mood, filling the body with energy.
- After exercise, the body becomes more resilient, the body is trained.
- Metabolism is normalized, the work of many internal organs.
- The time of sexual intercourse lengthens, the sensations during it intensify.
- The man feels more confident.
But you should not immediately resort to complex exercises, especially if a person has not been involved in sports at all before. This can lead to fatigue and sore muscles. Even sports injuries are possible. Therefore, you need to start with simple exercises, with a small number of repetitions, gradually increasing them to the desired number. As a result, the body of a man gets stronger.
Exercise at home

There is a special set of exercises to improve erection, as well as individual exercises.
Among them:
- Circular rotation of the pelvis. When performed correctly, blood circulation in the pelvis improves, the abdominal muscles strengthen. Exercise should be done at a slow pace. You need to start a set of exercises with them. It's good to use the hula hoop.
- Tilts. It is necessary to put your feet shoulder-width apart and begin to slowly lean forward, trying to reach your toes with your hands. Improves blood circulation in the pelvis. Do 20 times.
- Lunges forward. Step forward with one foot and crouch, trying to hold the position of the body. Strengthens the muscles of the abdomen and thighs.
- Squats. But they must be done slowly, legs apart. Squat as low as possible, then also slowly stand up. Do 20 times. Keep your hands behind your head.
- Run in place without lifting your socks off the floor.
- Lying on your back, raise your pelvis. Do 10 times. The pelvic and perineal muscles are strengthened.
Do not exercise immediately after eating. Men with chronic diseases are advised to consult a doctor before starting exercise. You need to start with a small number of repetitions and gradually increase the number of repetitions.
You can also perform the following set of exercises:
- Standing on all fours, slowly lower the pelvis down. This strengthens the pelvic muscles.
- Standing straight on the inhale, squeeze the muscles of the anus. Hold for a few seconds, then relax. Perform exercises 10 times.
- Lying on your back, while inhaling, raise one leg and perform circular movements in the air with it. Perform 10 times, repeat with the other leg.
- Lying on your back, bend your knees, spread your knees in different directions, resisting with your hands. Repeat 10 times.
There are other sets of exercises for these purposes.
It is important to understand that when the first symptoms of pathology appear, it is urgent to consult a doctor for help. The specialist will develop an effective treatment strategy, determine the necessary set of exercises.
Exercise #1
- We sit on a chair, feet shoulder-width apart.
- We bend our arms at the elbows and lower them, in parallel we strain the gluteal muscles.
- It is important to breathe through the nose during the exercise.
It is necessary to do 10 squeezing / unclenching the muscles with a difference of 25 seconds, 6 times.
Exercise #2
- We get up from the chair, feet shoulder-width apart.
- We bend a little at the knees, place our hands on the belt.
- We carry out translational movements of the pelvis back and forth. The penis should swing in the same direction.
You need to complete 5 sets of 3 minutes each. Breaks between series should not exceed 3 minutes. The exercise should be done in a closed room, as it requires total exposure.
Exercise #3
- We strip naked.
- We squat down and stretch the scrotum up.
- At the same time, we strain the muscles of the buttocks and abdomen as much as possible.
- You need to take quick breaths, and as you exhale, relax.
Complete at least 7 sets with short breaks.
Breathing exercises

There is a set of breathing exercises to improve potency.
Here are some sample exercises:
- Lie on your back, raise your knees, grab your ankles with your hands. While inhaling, stretch your legs without releasing your hands. On the exhale, return to the previous state.
- Lying on your back, lift your pelvis and move it from side to side. Then relax, take 10 slow breaths and exhalations.
- Sitting on a chair facing the back, perform a circular motion of the pelvis clockwise, then against. Breathe in with your belly.
- Lying on your stomach, while inhaling, raise your head, then your shoulders, then arch your back. Hold on for a few minutes. As you exhale, go down. Perform 10 times.
Before doing it, you should consult with a specialist.
One of the reasons for the development of prostatitis is the pathology of the cardiovascular system. Provoking factors are a sedentary lifestyle and frequent smoking, which should be eliminated at the beginning of therapy. To restore normal blood circulation and improve potency, you should adhere to the following breathing exercises technique:
- Take a comfortable position in which it is easy to move away from extraneous noise. You can lie on the blood or settle in a chair.
- Relax completely, fill your lungs with air, feel the filling coolness inside you.
- Exhaling, you should focus on the warmth of the flow emanating from the nose. At this stage, you need to relax the muscles of the body as much as possible.
Do about 10 sets and move on to the second part of the exercise, which involves similar steps, but air should be passed through the throat.
The second exercise from a series of breathing exercises for potency in men requires regularity:
- lie down on a flat surface, preferably on the floor and put your hand on the lower abdomen;
- stretch the other hand along the body and put it palm up;
- take air through the nose, but inhale with the stomach - it should inflate;
- continue to breathe at the same pace;
- hold your breath for 3 seconds;
- exhale completely through the nose.
It is necessary to do 8 approaches with short breaks.
Tibetan gymnastics

In case of violation of potency, Tibetan gymnastics helps to restore potency.
Here are some postures:
- "Plow" or Halasana. Lying on your back, raise your legs and throw them over your head. Stay in this position for a few minutes. Then lower yourself to the starting position.
- Sit on the floor and start moving forward on your buttocks. This exercise causes a smile, but it is effective.
- "Butterfly". Sit on the floor, bend your legs, connect your feet. Swing your knees up and down for several minutes.
- In the same position, squeeze the muscles of the anus for a few minutes.
These exercises have some contraindications.
It is not recommended to do gymnastics for some chronic ailments.
Who should not exercise
There are the following contraindications:
- BPH;
- oncology;
- acute prostatitis;
- heart failure;
- Heart arythmy;
- bronchial asthma.
The attending physician should give everyone appropriate recommendations regarding exercise.