For men, regardless of age, it is important to stay intimately strong. Unfortunately, not every representative of the stronger sex can boast of ideal potency after 45, 50 years. But this does not mean that it is time to put up with its deterioration. After all, there are effective remedies, both folk and medicinal, that allow you to restore male strength even at that age.

Over the years, reproductive functionality fades, which leads to problems with potency.
General recommendations
Potency worsens after 50 years for various reasons. It can be psychological problems, and fatigue, and natural age-related changes in the body. And the health of men at 50 can no longer be called ideal. And many endocrine, vascular, genitourinary, neurogenic diseases inevitably affect potency. Therefore, it is problematic to increase it, to achieve a stable erection, without knowing the true cause of the failure.
It is not too late to start the fight for men's health at the age of 45 and at 50. First of all, it is necessary to find out why male weakness appeared. To do this, you need to consult a doctor who will offer to undergo a diagnosis. Ultrasound, hormonal tests, vascular scanning and sensitivity testing help to find out why the potency has become weak. Additional examination methods will be needed to find out how much health has deteriorated. Only after such a diagnosis, the doctor will be able to prescribe suitable drugs and suggest how to act at home.
However, many men choose a different path. Some begin to absorb packs of drugs that improve local blood flow, thereby further worsening their health. Others try to find folk remedies without going into the principles of their action, and without understanding the possible consequences. And the most unwise decision of some men after 50 years is the refusal of sex without trying to increase male power.
Where to start
Definitely, doctors will find a relationship between poor potency and the presence of certain diseases. After all, the health of men after 50 years is far from ideal. But the quality of potency also affects the way of life. Therefore, a man, without waiting for the doctor's verdict, can begin to change his habits.
Of course, by switching to proper nutrition and refusing to smoke a pack of cigarettes every day, a man will not see instant results. But it should be remembered that health deteriorated under the influence of bad habits for several years. Therefore, it is not worth waiting for a one-time increase in potency from such events.
However, it can be greatly improved if:
- Stop smoking, as nicotine negatively affects the state of blood vessels and, accordingly, erection.
- Do not abuse alcohol - such drinks lead to hormonal disruptions, impaired conduction of nerve impulses.
- Balance nutrition - obesity impairs blood flow in the pelvis and contributes to the production of female hormones, which does not have the best effect on potency.
- Start doing gymnastics, supplement the schedule with walks - motor activity accelerates stagnation in the pelvis, which helps to increase potency.
These are the simplest means to increase it, no matter how old the man is. And, of course, it is impossible to talk about the preservation of male abilities if it is impossible to relax at home, and misunderstandings and disagreements prevail in relationships. Only a good rest, emotional stability, mutual understanding in the family help a man to relax and be confident in his abilities.
Medicines to increase potency
The doctor should definitely select medications. Any drugs intended for the treatment or increase of potency have a number of contraindications. Therefore, starting their uncontrolled intake at home is dangerous not only for the health of men, but sometimes for life.
There are several groups of drugs that are used to increase male potency. You can increase it with:
- Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors. They act as blood flow stimulants and have similar side effects and contraindications. It should be borne in mind that such drugs negatively affect the work of the heart, are prohibited for taking in many diseases that are common to men over 50 years old.
- NO-synthase activators. A significant advantage of this drug is the lack of effect on the vessels of the heart. An increase in potency occurs due to the relaxation of smooth muscles. Drugs are able to stimulate it even with a slight deficiency of testosterone.
- Alpha-blockers. They increase potency by blocking nerve impulses that cause vasospasm. Therefore, the arteries of the small pelvis expand and the penis is normally filled with blood.
- Synthetic analogs of prostaglandin E. The liquid is injected intraretreally or used as injections. Under its action, the smooth muscles of the cavernous bodies relax, it is able to increase the locking mechanism that opposes the venous outflow of blood.
- Testosterone. You can take hormonal drugs to solve a male problem only as directed by a doctor. The basis for prescribing such treatment is the results of tests that confirmed the low level of male hormones, which after 50 years is not so rare.
- Antispasmodics. Familiar and less dangerous drugs in the form of help eliminate vascular spasms, which contributes to the expansion of the arteries.
If potency is absent due to vascular spasms, antispasmodics are prescribed.
However, most men, when problems with potency appear, do not rush to the doctor to deal with its origin. They buy similar drugs in pharmacies, hoping for a quick result. Not getting the expected effect, men increase the dosage, further aggravating the situation.
It is impossible to say unequivocally that stimulants do not help to improve potency. Thanks to their action, the penis will be filled with blood at the right time. But for this you need a push in the form of exciting actions. If a man has problems associated with a decrease in libido against the background of hormonal abnormalities, or a woman, the situation does not cause him pleasant emotions, stimulants, regardless of the dosage, will not begin to act.
Homeopathic and herbal remedies
Treatment with dietary supplements is easy to carry out at home, as it does not require medical supervision. But the effect of it is quite controversial. First of all, any homeopathic remedies are tonic, and only then they have a targeted effect.
Reviews of such funds are ambiguous. There are also no clinical trials aimed at verifying their effectiveness, certificates confirming quality and safety.
To achieve at least some results, men have to take supplements for a long time. And after taking such funds, the effect often disappears altogether. Therefore, having decided to improve male power by such means, the patient takes full responsibility.
As for ready-made herbal remedies, they are recommended by doctors, and are also used by folk healers. For men, adaptogens are recommended, as well as non-specific stimulants. This group includes ready-made tinctures containing:
- eleutherococcus extract;
- ginseng extract;
- lemongrass;
- ylang-ylang;
- pantocrine.

Such funds can be bought ready-made at a pharmacy or, if desired, made independently at home, using folk recipes.
Folk ways to improve potency
The popularity of home remedies with herbs is growing in popularity. This is facilitated by the availability of information, and reviews of brothers in misfortune. To increase potency, folk healers suggest using:
- Celery and parsley. These available funds really have a positive effect on male abilities. To preserve and increase potency, they can be used fresh or dry. But only regular use will help to achieve results.
- Blooming Sally. Folk recipes suggest making tincture from leaves. It acts in a variety of ways due to the content of a large number of useful substances. Thanks to this treatment, you can not only get rid of impotence, but also improve the functioning of the endocrine system, balance the nervous system, which is not unimportant in the formation of erectile abnormalities.
- Arrowhead Goryanka. This is a unique herb for men. After taking the tincture, there is an increase in erection, acuity of sensations and attraction. It also improves the quality of sperm.
- Ginger root. For men of the older age group, this remedy is considered effective. From fresh ginger or powder, you can prepare a tincture or decoction. Easy to prepare tea, to which honey and lemon can be added to enhance the effect. Such a medicine is not only useful, but also tasty.
- Calamus root. A tea or decoction is prepared from such a root. To improve potency and promote health, you can simply chew it fresh. But for some men, such therapy ends with nausea or vomiting. Therefore, you need to carefully choose the dosage.
Of course, herbal remedies used in folk recipes give results. But they will have to be taken for a long time, and sometimes on an ongoing basis with interruptions.
Products and flavors
Even ancient healers noted the effect of certain products and smells on male power. They are well known to many men, but, unfortunately, they are rarely used. It is impossible to perceive the means related to aphrodisiacs as a cure for male weakness. But they can stimulate libido, erection even in men who have crossed the 50-year mark.
Be sure to include stimulant foods in the diet in the form of:
- Seafood. The content of zinc in shrimp, mussels, oysters contributes to the improvement of male abilities.
- Orekhov. Any nuts are good for men. They not only increase libido, but also erection.
- Honey. This bee nectar is used in many folk recipes. It is also desirable to use it for each representative of the stronger sex daily on a spoon in its pure form.
- Greenery. Saturating the diet with parsley, dill, cilantro, a man can count on support at a crucial moment.
- Fruit. Strawberries have a special effect on the male body. You can safely add pomegranates and avocados to it.
Do not forget about the unique effect of spices. Men will benefit from dishes and drinks flavored with cumin, rosemary, curry, cloves. Seasonings in the form of vanilla, cinnamon, ginger are also suitable. A surge of sexual forces will also be provided by the smells of pine, bergamot, orange, nutmeg, cedar, sandalwood.
Experiment with foods, spices and scents. After all, these are the most harmless, but quite effective means to improve desire and potency, regardless of age.