No one will deny the benefits of vitamins for the body. In our age of speeds and fast food, many are deficient, and hence health problems. If a person gets little nutrients, he often gets sick, loses vitality, and grows old early. Representatives of the stronger sex especially often neglect their health. And vitamins are important for men in the same way as for women.
This article covers the topic of vitamins for adult men in as much detail as possible. Here is information about what elements are needed, what are the benefits of each of them.
Provides advice on the choice of drugs. Recommendations are given to different age categories of representatives of the strong half of humanity.
And also a review of vitamin complexes with information about their main purpose is carried out.
How to make the right choice

Buying the first drug you come across, hoping that it will help you from everything in the world, is stupid. It is important to choose the right vitamins. And for this you need to take into account many factors. For example, such:
- features of lifestyle, diet;
- age;
- the presence or absence of chronic diseases.
There are many inexpensive and effective drugs on the modern pharmaceutical market. They are able to solve a wide variety of health problems or become reliable prevention. And there are expensive imported brands.
It should be remembered that cost and country of origin are not always an indicator of quality. It often happens that domestic, affordable, funds are better than foreign ones.
Therefore, it is impossible to focus only on this factor. As well as buying without looking popular, widely advertised products.
After all, a high-quality product is not necessarily hidden behind a bright "wrapper".
Anyone who goes to a pharmacy without a prescription from a doctor, not knowing which vitamins to choose, should approach the issue with the utmost responsibility. It is necessary to study the instructions, paying attention to the date of issue, shelf life; analyze the composition (it is quite possible that some ingredient is contraindicated or not needed for this particular man).
Preparations that cover 100% of the daily allowance, a man who has a balanced diet does not need to drink vitamins. After all, he gets a lot of useful elements from food. Here, vitamin and mineral complexes are suitable, providing the body with 50 percent of the necessary substances.
Important! It is best to buy vitamins in consultation with a specialist. This will guarantee that the complex of vitamins for men will be selected correctly.
Purely male vitamins

Anyone who thinks that representatives of the stronger and weaker sexes need the same nutrients are mistaken. Experts identify essential vitamins for men's health. Here are the top best vitamins for the male body:
- E. Supports blood vessels, gives vitality, improves potency.
- C. Reduces cholesterol levels. It is very important for men who smoke.
- B. Indispensable for nerves, genitourinary system, vision.
- A. Activates the production of testosterone, prevents cancer, increases potency. Must be included in the multivitamin complex for men.
The daily norm of vitamins: E - 22. 5 g; C - 60 mg; B - 25 mg; A - 3 mg. These indicators should be taken into account when choosing a drug.
Comment! Men should not buy complexes with iron (especially with a high iron content)! This element is more needed by women. Its excess in the male body harms the cardiovascular system.
Age parameters
The effect of vitamins depends not only on the brand, composition, price. A very important factor is the age of the man. It should also be considered when purchasing drugs. So:
- The best vitamin complexes for men who have not yet crossed the 40-year mark are those that activate protein synthesis, strengthen muscles, regulate hormones, and improve sperm quality. These include B, A, E.
- Among vitamins for men after 40 years, C is in the lead. But B9, A, E are also necessary. Anti-aging antioxidants are very important.
- Vitamins for men after 50 years are A, B12, C, E, which preserve youth and prevent infectious diseases. They also help preserve potency. But special attention should be paid to vitamin D, which is no longer produced in the dermis, as before. Its deficiency leads to problems with teeth, bones, nails, heart. A similar set of vitamins is required after 60 years.
In youth, complexes of nutrients are taken rather for prevention. And the more high-quality it is, the less chances of "getting" chronic ailments by old age. If it was not possible to preserve health, vitamins are especially needed.
Separation by purpose
Most mineral and vitamin-based products are categorized by "specialty". Although there are universal ones - general preventive action. Here the emphasis is on the B group and vitamin C.
There are complexes for athletes and just people leading an active physical or mental lifestyle. The preparations contain selenium, vitamins A, B, C, D and E. Complexes with a high content of B1 and B12 will help from fatigue, chronic stress, depression. You can drink them separately. These are inexpensive vitamins. The result will be quite tangible.
Anyone who suffers from reproductive diseases or is engaged in their prevention should know that vitamin E for potency is a real salvation. And the drug must be selected with a high content of it. It is also important to take complexes with selenium and zinc, which improve sexual function.
There are special products for hair and skin. If you have problems with the latter, you need to drink vitamin H every day. You can also buy general health complexes in pharmacies. They raise immunity, help fight various diseases. They contain vitamins B, C, D.
The information below will help you compare specific drugs and find those that are most needed. It describes in more detail the complexes for different purposes. The main types are given.
For an active lifestyle
The following drugs are leading in the ranking of vitamin and mineral complexes for those who lead a physically or mentally active lifestyle. They keep the body in good shape, give it energy.
To strengthen and maintain health
For people whose body does not function normally due to a deficiency of nutrients, or suffering from any diseases, general strengthening vitamins are shown. They are suitable for different age categories, but are especially relevant for the elderly. The ranking of vitamins for men below lists the best options.
Important! To achieve maximum effect, the instructions for use must be strictly followed. And it is highly advisable to consult a doctor before buying.
Antistress drugs
Along with drugs for male strength, increased physical activity, general health improvement. there are other vitamin complexes. In particular, they improve the condition of hair and skin, as well as anti-stress agents.
Attention! It is impossible to say unequivocally whether vitamins are good or not, only focusing on the brand. They may be of the highest quality, but not suitable for this particular person. Everything here is individual.
Vitamins "from the garden"
The best vitamins are obtained from food. Every man should remember this and monitor his diet.
So, for example, fish oil for potency is a real panacea. In the presence of such problems and for their prevention, you need to eat more salmon, herring and other representatives of the "scaly" species. To improve the potency and quality of sperm, you should also lean on potatoes, sweet fruits, parsley, onions, spinach, cilantro, buckwheat, pearl barley and millet porridge.
The most expensive source of vitamin C from a pharmacy with lemon, tangerine or currant is no comparison. They will strengthen the immune system, cure colds. Carrots are the richest source of natural vitamin A. Eggs, strawberries, buckwheat, seafood, etc. - contain B vitamins in abundance. And these are just a few examples.
Advice! It is better to take vitamins, figuratively speaking, "plucked from the garden" than bought at the pharmacy. Therefore, it is advisable to study the tables describing the content of nutrients in certain products, and then compose your diet based on this information.
In conclusion, I would like to remind you that the best vitamins are suitable for you personally. It is advisable to select them in consultation with a doctor.
Neither the positive reviews of friends, nor the price, nor the name of the manufacturer can guarantee that the purchased drug will be useful.
In addition, it is important to purchase complexes specifically for men, since the needs of the body of representatives of different sexes differ.
It is advisable not to shift the fortification completely to pharmaceutical preparations. The more the body receives nutrients from food, the better. But if a deficit has arisen, it must be eliminated. This applies to everyone - both absolutely healthy men and those suffering from some kind of disease. Avitaminosis has not brought anything good to anyone yet!
The best vitamin complexes to improve male potency
Let's understand the terminology: vitamins are organic substances intended for the normal functioning of the human body. Most vitamins can be obtained from food, but the diet of modern men is far from perfect. That is why, in order to have a healthy potency, you will need to take special complexes.
The following types of vitamins are distinguished:

- Fat-soluble. They accumulate in the liver.
- Synthetic. Produced by the synthesis of chemical elements.
- Extracted. Derived from herbal ingredients.
- Water soluble. These substances do not accumulate in the body.
Regular intake of vitamins provides strong immunity, endurance, persistent sexual desire and no less persistent potency. The lack of elements leads to a deterioration in appearance, frequent colds, weakness.
The most useful trace elements for persistent potency

- Supports an erection.
- Prevents prostate cancer.
- Contains in pistachios and beans.
- The norm for a man is 0. 07 mg per day.

- Synthesizes testosterone.
- Participates in the processes of spermatogenesis.
- Contained in seafood, pumpkin seeds.
- The daily norm is 15 mg.

- A powerful anti-aging antioxidant.
- Found in eggs
- Dairy products
- Carrots
- You need to consume 34 mg per day.
Vitamins B

- Increase libido.
- Prevents cardiovascular diseases.
- Contained in meat, cereals, vegetables.
- The daily dosage depends on the type of trace element.
Vitamin D

- Participates in the synthesis of the sex hormone.
- Normalizes sexual desire.
- Contained in Fish Oil
- In the cod liver.
- You need to consume 0. 015 mg per day.
Vitamin C

- Strengthens blood vessels
- Makes them elastic
- Restores an erection in the morning.
- Contained in pineapple, lemon, black currant.
- The daily dosage can be up to 100 mg.

- Promotes blood flow to the pelvic organs.
- Found in Pine Nuts
- Barley porridge
- Cabbage
- You need to take about 400 mg per day.

- Stimulates sex drive and improves erection.
- Contained in Nuts
- Legumes
- Vegetable oils
- The daily allowance for men is approximately 18 mg.

- Supports full ejaculation.
- Promotes androgen synthesis.
- Contains prunes, lentils, peanuts.
- Take about 5 mg daily.
When to take vitamins for potency?
- During acute ichronic pathologies.
- In spring and autumn, during colds.
- After 40 years.
Interaction of vitamins
- Vitamin B2 should not be combined with zinc and copper.
- Tranquilizers and hypnotics reduce the effect of B vitamins.
- It is recommended to take vitamin B at the same time as calcium.
- Do not use laxatives while taking fat-soluble ingredients.
How to choose vitamins for potency depending on age
- At a young age, it is recommended to take retinol and tocopherol.
- After 40 years, ascorbic acid is especially useful.
- In old age, switch to vitamin D complexes.
Healthy vitamin dishes for an erection
Get vitamins from food:
- A decoction of dry ginger root (perfectly tones up).
- A mixture of their nuts and quality dried fruits to replenish vitamin deficiencies.
- Dried fruits with the addition of fresh kefir.
- Beef azu with mashed potatoes.
- Fresh oysters with lemon juice.
- A decoction of milk and grated carrots as a healthy dessert.
- Fatty fish cooked in a double boiler.
- Regular boiled chicken eggs.
- Greens and shrimp salad.
- Freshly squeezed juices (especially from celery).
These simple recipes will help keep your potency in perfect order.
But it is better to refuse caffeine, semi-finished products, smoked products, salvage spices, alcohol, fried and flour dishes. All of this decreases your masculine strength.
Vitamin complexes from trusted manufacturers will help maintain an erection for many years, and healthy foods and a balanced diet will enhance this effect.
The names of the best vitamin complexes for men to improve potency
According to statistics, about 90% of the male population of our country have problems with the sexual side of life. And this applies not only to men of mature age, but also to young people.
Vitamins for men to improve potency will help restore the former sexual desire, change sex life for the better and increase the likelihood of conceiving healthy offspring.
It is about the capabilities of these useful substances that we will talk about.
Why potency arises
Several important factors affect male sex drive. Its decrease can be explained by the following reasons:
- The presence of bad habits.
- Ecology.
- Diseases of the nervous system.
- Diseases of the endocrine system.
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
- Unhealthy diet.
- Genetic diseases.
- Certain medications.
- Stress.
- Lack of sleep.
- Sedentary lifestyle.
- Being overweight.
Each of these factors can cause impotence. As a rule, it is observed in men after 50 years. Since it is at this age that the body begins to secrete less testosterone, which is a consequence of male failure.

What the body needs for male strength
To increase male libido, you need to add certain foods to your diet. It will help increase libido. Products containing vitamins to improve potency in men include the following:
- Seafood.
- Nuts.
- Dried fruits.
- Honey.
- Meat.
- Rye bread.
- Pumpkin seeds.
Attention! A very effective remedy to enhance potency is the following recipe. Honey and ginger are taken in equal parts, then the ingredients must be mixed. Take 1/2 teaspoon three times a day.
In addition, to increase potency in men, doctors recommend giving up alcoholic beverages, coffee, salt, various energy drinks, as well as foods containing high cholesterol.
Expert advice
Taking a vitamin-mineral complex will allow a man to increase his erection, normalize his physical state of health and increase immunity. Plus, the aging process slows down.
Experts advise to dwell on a product that contains B vitamins, zinc, selenium, iodine.Ideally, when the action of the drug extends to enhancing immunity and changing sexual life for the better.
How to maintain masculine strength
Despite the fact that the representative of the stronger sex has restored the previous sexual desire, an important point is its further preservation. To do this, you should follow a few simple rules:
- Having a regular sex life is able to maintain potency. There should be no big breaks or excesses here. It is important to choose the middle ground.
- A healthy lifestyle helps to increase male libido. Improper nutrition, stress, a sedentary lifestyle - all this adversely affects the intimate life of a man.
- A man needs to pay attention to his health. Diseases such as hypertension or diabetes mellitus can cause impotence. And this applies not only to older people, but also to young guys.
The choice of a vitamin complex to improve a man's sex life is best done together with a specialist in order to avoid possible troubles. The doctor will help you decide and give competent recommendations. In addition, pay attention to your health and try not only to have pleasure, but also to deliver it to your woman. Thanks to this, masculine strength will always be with you!
Rating of vitamins for men to improve potency: prices, reviews

Vitamins for Men are bioactive supplements designed forto replenish the deficiency of certain elements in order to activate sexual function, normalize hormonal levels, improve fertility. . .
Vitamins affecting potency
Supplements do not directly affect potency. Their action is to strengthen blood vessels, increase testosterone levels, activate blood flow, and improve nerve conduction.
Table 1. Vitamins for potency
Name | Daily dose | Spheres of influence |
A (retinol) | 1-3 mg | Responsible for the condition of the mucous membranes (epithelium of the urogenital organs) and skin, regulates the processes of cell division and mineral metabolism, normalizes the production of sex hormones, participates in the synthesis of cholesterol (necessary for the production of testosterone). |
D (calciferol) | 0. 02-0. 05 mg | Affects testosterone production, maintains libido, muscle tone, nervous system. |
E (tocopherol, "anti-sterile vitamin") | 10-15 mg | It is necessary for the synthesis of gonadotropic (stimulating the production of sex hormones) pituitary hormone, improves metabolic processes, stimulates sexual function. With a deficiency, the ability to conceive decreases (the structure of the seminiferous tubules is disturbed, a decrease in the number of germ cells). |
B1 (thiamine) | 2-3 mg | Responsible for nerve conduction, the tone of the nervous system. With a deficiency, the quality of orgasm worsens, the sensitivity of the nerve receptors of the genital organs decreases, and chronic fatigue appears. |
B2 (riboflavin) | 2-3 mg | Regulate metabolic processes, sugar level, thin the blood. |
B5 (pantothenic acid) | 10-15 mg | |
B6 (pyridoxine) | 2-4 mg | |
B12 (cyanocobalamin) | 0. 001-0. 003 mg | It is necessary for the transformation of carotene into vitamin A, stimulates the formation of protein and nucleic acids. |
B9 (folic acid) | 400 mcg | Participates in the formation of libido. With a deficiency, libido decreases, the quality of spermatozoa worsens. |
FROM | 80 mg | It is necessary for the formation of immunity (for the prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system), as well as for the absorption of vitamin D. |
In addition to vitamins, men also need minerals (the daily norm is indicated in brackets): selenium (100 μg), zinc (15 mg), magnesium (420 mg for men after 30 years), manganese (5 mg), chromium (50 μg). All these elements, together with plant extracts and enzymes, are included in complex supplements.
Who Needs Supplements and How to Take Them Properly
Artificial vitamins should be taken only in cases where their deficiency cannot be supplemented with food.: diseases, peculiarities of the profession (polar explorers, cosmonauts, sailors).
Under normal conditions, it makes sense to resort to the products of the nutraceutical industry when there are obvious symptoms of a lack of one or another element, that is, consciously.
For example: lips are often chapped, skin peels off - drink a course of vitamins A and E, then adjust the diet to include fatty fish and vegetable oils (there is a lot of vitamin E in ordinary sunflower seeds).
Young men rarely need additional supplementation, andafter 40 years, the need for antioxidants C and E increasesthat inhibit the aging process of organs.
Vitamin A intake should be reduced as it builds up with age and excess will lead to liver damage.
Men over 45 years oldmagnesium supplements are beneficial, which regulates the activity of the cardiovascular system, as wellwith calcium in combination with vitaminD. . .
Vitamin deficiency also depends on the lifestyle. If you have bad habits (smoking, excessive alcohol consumption), then a decrease in potency will not bypass you and the intake of additional vitamins is necessary.