Men after 30 years often notice a weakening of sexual desire and erection. The presence of bad habits, chronic fatigue, stress, promiscuous sex and poor ecology - all of this directly or indirectly affects male strength.
With such a specific problem, not all patients are ready to consult a doctor, preferring home methods. Folk remedies for increasing potency in men allow you to achieve good results without the need to spend time, effort and money bypassing famous doctors.
Effective Ingredients
In your cupboard and home medicine cabinet, valuable ingredients for the preparation of a medicine for impotence may have been lying around.

- Honey and nuts.They are powerful natural aphrodisiacs due to the presence of zinc, vitamins A, E, omega fatty acids in the composition. Prepare a thick paste from honey (bee bread, propolis) and nuts (cashews, almonds, pine nuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, etc. ). One dessert spoon is allowed per day immediately after a snack.
- Hemp seeds.The plant has a great effect on libido. For therapy, take 10 g and dry with salt in a pan. Take the product immediately half an hour before intercourse. It will provide blood flow to the penis and prolong sex.
- Meat soup.The recipe for a tasty and healthy soup has long been passed down from generation to generation. You can feed a hungry man after work with such a soup at a time, and help restore his sexual desire. For 1 serving, you will need 100 g of red meat, 1 onion, some turnips, a few leaves of nettle and dandelion, half a carrot. The products are put into a saucepan and boiled, frying is added.
- Mushroom soup.The most effective summer mushroom soup. Trace elements and vitamins in the composition quickly return sexual desire and provide a good erection. You can also chew dried winter forest mushrooms to strengthen the genitourinary system.
Infusions and decoctions
Folk remedies for increasing potency in men have always included a variety of alcoholic infusions, herbal teas and elixirs. Popular recipes are listed below.
- Thyme broth.To prepare a drink, pour 100 g of fresh or dry thyme with 1. 5 cups of boiling water. Leave covered for about 15-20 minutes, then strain and drink half a mug after meals.
- Lovage.Add a pinch of dry collection to various dishes and teas, other herbal preparations for making decoctions. Helps to establish sexual function in 3-5 days.
- Spiced tea.For an effective drink for impotence, brew a cool black tea and add spices to it - ginger, ginseng, cloves and saffron.
- Wine with honey.A combination of natural red wine (1 cup), ghee (0. 7 cups), fresh aloe (0. 5 cups) and parsley seeds will help improve sexual activity. Combine the ingredients, stir and leave the elixir to infuse for 10 days in the dark zone. Take 2 tablespoons daily after meals.
- Infusion of ginseng.Take the herb and combine with vodka, leave for 10 days in a dark place. You can also purchase a ready-made pharmacy version. Take 20 drops three times a day before meals.
- Honey-ginseng decoction.An effective folk remedy for potency improves blood circulation in the pelvic area. Take 100 g of fresh root, chop and pour 500 ml of hot water. Add a couple of tablespoons of honey, cinnamon and leave in a thermos for about 4 hours. Drink the broth 1 time a day after meals for half a glass.
- Wine and dried fruits.To prepare the mixture, you will need 0. 5 ml of a red home warrior, 1 tablespoon each of dried fruits (raisins, prunes and dried apricots), granulated sugar (50 g), a pinch of spices (cardamom, cloves, cinnamon). Combine all ingredients and simmer on the stove for an hour. Drink immediately before intercourse to help blood flow to the genitals.


Many men are helped by various baths and applications to increase sexual energy.
Everyone advises to take a bath with a decoction of bay leaves shortly before intercourse. You need to take 100 g of fresh or dry leaves and pour a liter of boiling water. Keep the broth under the lid for half an hour, then add to a small bath and stay in it for at least 30 minutes.
An extreme folk remedy for potency is an ice compress. It is necessary to take a couple of ice cubes, pack them in natural fabric and apply the applique alternately to the sternum, then to the neck and scrotum. In each zone, the "load" should be about a minute. Repeat the procedure for each zone 3-5 times. It is used before intercourse for a high-quality erection.
Mustard plasters have long been used for the treatment of various ailments. Dip a couple in warm water and apply to your feet, wearing warm terry socks on top. Hold this compress for about 10 minutes, then rinse in cool water and rub your feet with a towel. By stimulating the active points on the feet, an increase in libido is achieved.
Experiment with natural ingredients and you are sure to find your own effective product or method to restore a quality sex life.