For a long time, male power (potency) was equated with the ability to become a father and to continue the race, which was considered a great blessing, bestowed by nature. Currently, the word potency takes on a broader meaning - not only to become a father, but also to satisfy a woman. Usually, the word potency is applied only to men and their sexuality. For men, potency is a necessary criterion for a full sexual life. However, what is potency? Why is it needed and what affects it.

What is potency
The meaning of the word potency is the ability to perform any action, create, perform, produce. Strength and opportunity are synonymous with potency.
Characterized by:

- the ability to ejaculate and the quality of sperm;
- erectile function and the speed of its manifestation;
- the duration of sexual intercourse;
- the ability to get satisfaction and satisfy a woman.
What is potency in a broad sense is the ability to have sex life. This is a man's ability to be a father. Potency in men should not be equated with the frequency of sexual intercourse, opportunities, sexual desire, erection. All these concepts are not synonyms, but are only constituent parts of this concept.
Potency components
The constituent parts of male potency are:
- Libido is a man's craving for a woman.
- An erection is a hardening and a significant increase in the volume of the penis due to the rush of blood and filling the corpora cavernosa with it. Erection is responsible for the ability to have sexual intercourse.
- The functionality of the sperm, which means their speed and quality for procreation.
Each component of the potency depends on a number of factors. So, libido depends on the testosterone hormone. Testosterone is a male hormone synthesized by the testes and the adrenal cortex, takes an active part in the production of sperm and is responsible for their quality indicator. Testosterone can also influence men's mood and resilience to stress and depression. It plays an important role in the process of burning fat and maintaining muscle mass.
Testosterone synthesis is directly related to age, ecology, as well as lifestyle and nutrition. In addition, the libido in men is influenced by the psychoemotional state, which depends on the environment and resistance to negative influences from the outside.

Testosterone is actively synthesized during puberty. The peak concentration in the blood falls on 25-30 years. After that, its gradual decrease begins.
Age affects erectile function, the younger the man, the better the cardiovascular system works, providing blood flow to the penis. Erection is affected by weight and accumulated body fat, which negatively affects the work of all organs. The negative impact of the environment also plays an important role.
Men's health has the greatest impact on erection. Inflammatory processes of infectious or bacterial origin, affecting the genitourinary system, which can cause temporary or permanent disappearance of an erection.
Good potency has a beneficial effect on the work of the whole body, in particular, regular sex improves blood flow and rejuvenates the body.
The opposite concept of potency in men is impotence - the inability to satisfy sexual needs. Impotence is characterized by the inability to obtain and maintain an erection, premature ejaculation, and lack of satisfaction from sexual intercourse. Impotence is associated with impaired blood flow and poor blood flow to the corpus cavernosum of the penis.
Potency in men depends on components such as:

- Temperament and genetic predisposition, masculine strength and energy is inherent in nature and is inherited.
- Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Dysfunction of this important body system leads to insufficient blood flow to the penis.
- Diseases of the genitourinary system.
- Hormonal disruptions and diabetes mellitus lead to insufficient synthesis of hormones necessary to maintain potency at a good level, or its complete disappearance.
- Overweight is the reason for the synthesis of a large number of female hormones and an insufficient amount of male hormones. Lack of male hormones leads to a decrease in attraction to the opposite sex. Excess weight also puts stress on the cardiovascular system and interferes with freedom of movement.
- Age. The older the man, the less testosterone hormone his body produces. Also, older men are more prone to developing various diseases, which negatively affects potency.
- Malignant neoplasms affecting the organs of the cardiovascular or nervous system.
- The unstable psycho-emotional state of a man leads to a decrease in attraction and desire. The reasons are stressful situations, depression, anxiety, fear, excitement.
- Bad habits: abuse of alcohol-containing products, smoking, use of narcotic drugs.
How to maintain potency
To always have a strong potency, you need to know everything about potency, including how to maintain it:

- To maintain male strength, it is necessary to review the entire diet and limit the consumption of large quantities of fried, spicy and salty. The products of the daily diet should be healthy and contain all the necessary minerals and vitamins. For men, it is important to eat foods rich in zinc, selenium, vitamins E, C and group B: nuts, dairy products, seafood, lean meats, fresh vegetables and fruits, greens.
- Get rid of extra pounds forever, which interfere with the normal functioning of the body and reduce male sexuality.
- Lead an active lifestyle, do special exercises to improve potency. The set of exercises includes training the pubococcygeal muscles, which increases blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
- Give up alcohol and smoking abuse. Avoid stressful situations, worries, worries. Sleep eight hours a day.
Male potency is a man's ability and desire for sexual intercourse, which also affects reproductive function. To maintain men's health, it is important to know what potency is, what it depends on and how to maintain it. Powerful potency depends on many factors and is a consequence of a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.